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Success! I have an Athlon 500 running stable at 700 MHz on an Asus K7M.

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  • #16
    Hi Frank,

    It wasn't my intention to make fun of your internet handle. It was my intention to call it as I see it. You were being the wanker, and that is why I said that. Greebe has never claimed to be the first to overclock an Athlon. Read what he has done first, my friend. Read carefully and you will see.

    I also was trying to explain why it is that Greebe probably acted the way he did. His name is also Mike H. and he wanted to let people know that "Mike H.", who posted here was not him. That's all.

    Oh, you can make fun of my internet handle all you want, because it is also my name that I am called by in everyday life. So, as you can imagine, there is nothing you can call me that I haven't already heard before.



    • #17
      hehe...wouldn't waste my buddy!
      Greebe has never claimed to be the first to overclock an Athlon
      but would you like to point out just one place that did do it before I?
      I think you're eatin your own words there sunshine..


      • #18
        Hi Frank,

        Not to be too hard on your ability to comprehend what you read, but if you would just take a little time and RE READ, and you would see that Greebe has never claimed to be the first to overclock an Athlon, just the first to offer a solution that plugs into the processor that nulls the need for removing and adding resistors on the processor. Are you really that dense, or do you just read every other line of what is written?



        • #19
          Frank: "Designer of the first Athlon mod" - Greebe


          • #20
            Are you really that dense
            Dont be an idiot, mate.
            Who cares who was first.....YOU?
            Soon every man and his dog will be producing these items for sale. Big deal.
            It's not like anyone in the public sector is going to take a patent out on the design so that noone else is allowed to produce a similar setup. Somehow I believe that the AMD boys already have that up their sleeve.


            • #21
              Frank, why should I stoop to your level? With your infinite knowledge on the subject I'm supprised you cannot even comprehend what the issues are and how they matter (as is typical of your avg. MickyD's burger flippin mentality). My only objection, is that I have reviews out with Mike Honn as the contact person. Now if someone unknowingly thought "Mike H" was myself then they could inadvertently be sending work and inquiries to him. This I would legally object to and would try to prevent from accidently happening.
              Truely it doesn't matter to you who was first, but it is true. Take it for what you want, but I'd advise against heckling. Please go here and read what's appropriate and what's not.

              Are we going for #6 here?
              "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

              "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


              • #22
                must think you are THE FIRST and only person in the world that has done this.....
                take a chill pill matey.....the man has put up screen shots and you're still eggin him on to prove it with you have on his thread.
                Mate, the Asian websites were well ahead of you on this one
                Who cares who was first.....YOU?
                Mate, you were the one who was making contest against his claims, no one else.
                I care not who was first on what, but I care when someone comes in calling people wankers without cause.



                • #23
                  I hate to change the subject, but look what finally appeared:

                  It appears Asus has finally flown the coop. (The chicken coop that is.)

                  From what I understand, this page made a brief appearance, and then disappeared a week or two ago. Maybe we'll see a retail board with a nice pretty retail box soon.



                  • #24
                    If I were Greebe, I'd care if I did it first. That would make it his product, and something defendable in copyright. If someone else had it first, that's prior art.
                    Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                    • #25
                      I'm going to buy one. And I have a Pentium III!

                      Can you get a patent, Greebe? It could be a pain, but you're about to get a lot of publicity.



                      • #26
                        I'd really want to have an Athlon-MH<sup>TM</sup> and the real Mike knows what I am asking it for, so only he can provide me with one



                        • #27
                          Goan,spelled g o a n.
                          This started out as a cool thread,something I hoped to see the progress of overclocking Athlon's.
                          Greebe's device is cool,and he really deserves a standing ovation for making a device we all can use.1st,2nd,who cares it's here and we all thank him for it.
                          Why must it degenerate into such a feeble argument?
                          What do you suppose an Athlon 550 mhz could be revved up to?


                          • #28
                            Alphie, What core and L2 does it have?
                            "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                            "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                            • #29
                              Haven't a clue!
                              Don't own one yet.Hence,at this juncture it is only a hypothetical question.What would be an estimate and would you reccomend this or the 500mhz
                              AND please check out the slot A board Epox is releasing next month and if you do please post the results.


                              • #30
                                Alfie, was that SMEE spelled S M E E .....hmmmmm?
                                Mate, I am beyond comprehension why it is not plainly visible that I was stickin up for a descent sounding fellow named Mike H.
                                Now if this happens to be the creation of the Athlonman playing silly games with multiple accounts on this forum, then I will absolutley stand by my initial post and describe your efforts to contain the situation as piss weak mate.
                                You have made no attempt whatsoever to indicate to me and meet me half way with your description of what you were trying to achieve with multiple accounts on this thread.
                                I'd advise against heckling. Please go here and read what's appropriate and what's not.
                                you have no leg to stand on when you play these games matey.
                                As far as I am concerned you could easily have resolved the confusion much earlier than
                                to the level to what you have brought yourself down to.

                                [This message has been edited by Frank (edited 28 November 1999).]

