My ISP has changed their SMTP and POP servers to googlemail
While I am sure this will be a beneficial move for the majority of their users, I only use their SMTP server and modify the reply-to field so that I can retrieve it from another domain (@bushe). You can't do this anymore
I have installed MailEnable, a free smtp server. It works fine for all non-local domain mail. If I try and send an email to anyone@bushe then it either dumps the message in their mail box, if they are local, or bounces it if they are not. I need to somehow force global sending of apparently local mail. Can I do this?
I've posted this on the mailenable forums, but their forum isn't configured with their mail server!!!
While I am sure this will be a beneficial move for the majority of their users, I only use their SMTP server and modify the reply-to field so that I can retrieve it from another domain (@bushe). You can't do this anymore
I have installed MailEnable, a free smtp server. It works fine for all non-local domain mail. If I try and send an email to anyone@bushe then it either dumps the message in their mail box, if they are local, or bounces it if they are not. I need to somehow force global sending of apparently local mail. Can I do this?
I've posted this on the mailenable forums, but their forum isn't configured with their mail server!!!