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WIndows XP SP3 links can be found here:
Indeed they can be...
Something to help the less geekly become more geekly:
Code:@ECHO OFF ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: Slipstreaming Script for Microsoft Operating Systems :: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SET BASE_DIR=C:\Work\WinXP_SP3 SET BOOT_FILE=ETFSBOOT.COM SET BUILD_DIR=C:\Work\WinXP_SP3\BUILD SET GOLD_DIR=C:\Work\WinXP_SP3\GOLD SET ISO_NAME=XP_SP3_Gold.iso SET PREFIX=0 SET SP_DIR=C:\Work\WinXP_SP3\SP SET SP_NAME=WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe SET VOLUME_NAME=GRTMUPD_EN ECHO.>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO Script Started at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO.>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO. ECHO Cleaning Previous Installation Point(s)... ECHO. ECHO Directory Cleanup Started at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log RMDIR %BASE_DIR%\BUILD /S /Q>NUL RMDIR %BASE_DIR%\SP\i386 /S /Q>NUL MKDIR %BASE_DIR%\BUILD ECHO Directory Cleanup Ended at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO.>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO. ECHO Completed... ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Creating Installation Point... ECHO. ECHO Installation Point Creation Started at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log %BASE_DIR%\bin\ROBOCOPY.exe %GOLD_DIR%\ %BASE_DIR%\BUILD /E /Z /ETA>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO Installation Point Creation Ended at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO.>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO. ECHO Extracting Service Pack... ECHO. ECHO Service Pack Extraction Started at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log %BASE_DIR%\Files\%SP_NAME% /U /X:%BASE_DIR%\SP ECHO Service Pack Extraction Ended at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO.>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO. ECHO Integrating Service Pack... ECHO. ECHO Service Pack Integration Started at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log %BASE_DIR%\SP\I386\UPDATE\UPDATE.EXE /PASSIVE /S:%BASE_DIR%\Build ECHO Service Pack Integration Ended at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO.>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO. ECHO Creating Bootable ISO Image... ECHO. ECHO ISO Image Creation Started at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log FOR /F "tokens=2" %%a IN ("%DATE%") DO FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/" %%b IN ("%%a") DO FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:" %%e IN ("%TIME%") DO SET PREFIX=%%b_%%c_%%d_%%e_%%f_ %BASE_DIR%\bin\OSCDIMG.exe -l%VOLUME_NAME% -h -m -n -o -b%BASE_DIR%\Files\%BOOT_FILE% %BASE_DIR%\Build %BASE_DIR%\ISOs\%PREFIX%%ISO_NAME% ECHO ISO Image Creation Ended at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO.>>logs\Slipstream.log :END ECHO Service Pack Sliptreaming completed at %DATE%,%TIME%>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO.>>logs\Slipstream.log ECHO. ECHO Script Completed: ISO File is located in the %BASE_DIR%\ISOs\ directory and is named %PREFIX%%ISO_NAME% ECHO.
Last edited by MultimediaMan; 29 April 2008, 14:39.Hey, Donny! We got us a German who wants to die for his country... Oblige him. - Lt. Aldo Raine
OK, a clean slipstreamed installation of Windows XP SP3 with the following installed:
PLUS! for XP
.Net 1.1SP1
.Net 2.0SP1
.Net 3.0SP1
.Net 3.5
KB942763 Installed (Latest DST Rollup)
Adobe Reader 8.1.2
Adobe Flash 9.latest
Adobe Shockwave 11.1
Java 6 Update 5
NOD32 Anti Virus
7MB Tools directory.
Cleaned WINDOWS\Temp directory
2.14 GB (2,307,439,563 bytes)
Compared with a likewise outfitted Windows XP SP2 Machine with all updates... built circa 7/30/2006
2.95 GB (3,173,592,177 bytes)Hey, Donny! We got us a German who wants to die for his country... Oblige him. - Lt. Aldo Raine
Must uninstall Alcohol 125% to install SP3. Machine tried to install WGA check and failed multiple times before finally going through possibly due to allowing beta items to be shown on Windows Update.
Windows Update will not function but then again I have had trouble with that since uninstalling RC2.
Using psexec.exe to run the wga file indicates that my OS is too new. Grr. Automatic updates won't work either.
The refresh somehow caused the Windows Update dll files to become unregistered.Last edited by High_Jumbllama; 30 April 2008, 06:57.
Update: They are pulling XP SP3 AND Vista SP1... Read Here.
There is a Problem with Microsoft Dynamics RMS.
If you don't use Microsoft Dynamics RMS, then you are not affected; they are going to put a shim in to patch Microsoft Dynamics RMS ahead of the SP installation.Hey, Donny! We got us a German who wants to die for his country... Oblige him. - Lt. Aldo Raine
Updated Cumulative Time Zone update needed if installed after SP3. - 12-2007 Some older versions will not install. SP3 reverts to previous settings. This has to be installed again.
2008-04 IE Cumulative Update Still required.
new Group Policy preferences in Windows Server 2008 is not included.
Checking some files versions in temporary folders when installs fail seem to indicate that the April 2008 updates for XP itself are included.
Does anyone know if there is a list of updates that are replaced by Service Pack 3?Last edited by High_Jumbllama; 30 April 2008, 13:26.
DailyTech is reporting that Vista SPI is similarly affected;
Apparently the RMS glitch applies to Vista's first service pack as well. Unlike XP SP3, Microsoft will not be pulling Vista SP1, but it is halting automatic downloads of the pack. Says a Microsoft spokesman:Microsoft is temporarily holding any additional automatic distribution of Windows Vista SP1. However, they continue to offer Windows Vista SP1 via Windows Update for interactive installation. While we are recommending that customers running Microsoft Dynamics RMS should not install SP1, there are many other customers who can benefit from installing Windows Vista SP1 immediately, so we are maintainingDr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
Stupid s***s got rid of the address bar as an option on the taskbar due to legal reasons.
Reading about it seems to indicate that this may be hackable as some people report having the toolbar and not being able to turn it off. Maybe the toggle has been removed.Last edited by High_Jumbllama; 4 May 2008, 21:01.
You can get the address bar back by adding it to a second toolbar. It just isn't an option on the primary bar.
Edit: This is hillarious:
It can the be dragged down to the primary bar.Last edited by High_Jumbllama; 4 May 2008, 21:27.