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New System Recommendations....

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  • New System Recommendations....

    Ok, I'm going to upgrade my mother's system. I want to get a platform that will last for several years (if that's even possible). My dilemma is the motherboard/processor. What do you think is going to have more longevity...Slot 1 or Socket 370???

    Cost is an issue here, so I will probably go with the Celeron, but I want to have a system that she can upgrade without purchasing a new motherboard for a few years...What do you guys think???


    Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.

  • #2
    My opinion is to go with slot 1. Even if slot 1 processors dissapear, you will be able to use either type of processor (370 with adapter). I don't know of a slot 1 to 370 adapter.

    [This message has been edited by Brian R. (edited 13 December 1999).]


    • #3
      I agree with Brian that a slot 1 board is the better choice. From what I can gather Intel is planning to release at least a 750mhz PIII that is a slot 1 with a 100mhz FSB.

      Slotket adapters will also extend the life of your board.

      FWIW, I really like the MSI 6163 Pro motherboard - cheap and reliable.


      • #4
        The dilemma right now is that there a lot of socket CPU's, but no good socket based boards. The i820 chipset is out, but no one has a good one in the socket format that I am aware of. This is why I think the previous suggestions of getting a slot 1 board is very valid.

        Get an ASUS P3B-F or P3C2000 board (or a P3C-E and some RIMM-DIMM converters) and a slot CPU for now. In the future (say a couple years) you can get a socket CPU with a slocket so you can keep you current motherboard. That and if you get an i820 board you will have the 133 MHz option open, plus UDMA 66 and AGP 4x.

        Just a thought.


        PIII 450@504, 256 MB RAM, 35 GB total w/ WD Experts, Abit UDMA 66 controller, CL 6x DVD, PLEXTOR 8x4x32 ATAPI CD-RW (my newest toy), G400 32 MB DH, SB Live! w/ Digital I/O, LinkSys Etherfast 10/100, DSI 56k modem, Addtronics 6896A Case w/ a crap load of fans and Dynmat noise dampening, MAG DX715T monitor.

        Hi, my name is Jammrock. I'm a computer phreak and an EverCrack addict.
        “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
        –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett

