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Matrox Max 32meg for sale (Australians Only!!)

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  • Matrox Max 32meg for sale (Australians Only!!)

    I love this card, I really do, however.......I must have a DDR GeForce!...why?, well just because!!
    I actually have several very good reasons why, one of which is the optimum performance the GeForce can offer me in OpenGl for 3DStudio Max.
    At any rate, Im selling my MAX......
    Funnily enough it hasnt been overclocked (everything else has and is!!??), and it comes with all the original packaging, cd's, drivers, cables and the manual of course.
    It is 6 weeks young and has not given me any problems ( apart from some graphic anomolies in 3DStudio, which have been corrected in the latest drivers!!).
    I dont need to tell anyone of you about the reputation of this card, it is second to none. (BUT I GUESS I WILL ANYWAY)
    It is not the fastest card out there, although if you have a PIII or an Athlon then you could consider it a close second in many benchmarks.
    For the reviews that have lacked the forsight to mention its 2D perfomance in Desktop and general applications, I can only say that at 1152 x 864 (which I predominantly run at), it is razor sharp with wonderful colour saturation.
    I recently swapped the Max with a mate who has a Creative TNT2, suffice to say that I was more than happy to get the Max back as the Creative started to blur noticably at this resolution (believe me, the difference is not incidental!!).............and my god you should see how sweet the Max makes the Messiah demo look.......hmmmm.
    Well thats my sales pitch.
    Im selling the Card for $420.00. I can arrange C.O.D. to anywhere in Aus.
    This is a genuine and oddly begrudging sale. If your after a state of the art all-round card, then please let me know.


    this message was posted yesterday and for some reason it wasnt here when I logged on Today....odd

  • #2
    Im in Tasmania incidentally, but dont hold that against


    • #3
      Hi I am interested in your MAX,
      how about $380.
      (PS I am in Perth WA)


      • #4
        IM selling it for nothing less than $420.00, that is a bargain pure and simple. I will be paying for freight to where-ever you are (Perth), and with insurance and registration that will cost me $15.00 to $20.00 so thats the price. All the enquiries Ive had are from Perth.....dont you people have a life over there!! joking. Please email me back as another Perthonian named "seven" is very interested wanting to use the Dual Head feature for his Graphics work or something.

        Brett Young


        • #5
          Shouldn't you be using the 'MURC's Happy Shopper' forum?

          You're in danger of being padlocked


          • #6
            I had no idea until a couple of days ago that there was a "happy shopper" section. What the hell is being "padlocked"???.....its been quite a few weeks since I used the site, this is all goblegook to
            At any rate I have been advertising it as Ant requested in the "shopper" section......thanks for the interest.


            • #7
              Sorry for the confusion, I was being sarcastic. Kruzin and Ant are now locking threads which are in the 'wrong' forum and moving them over the the 'correct' forum, thats all.



              • #8
                A fella' named "seven" contacted me but my return emails have bounced.....if he/she is reading this could you please email me back or return post here........

