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Break the 4ide units barier?

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  • #16

    All true. In my next life, (and when I've got the $300.00 to $500.00 that it takes to replace all my IDE devices,) I will enjoy all the advantages you describe. (sigh) Technoid was (I assume) looking for a way to get more S**T running for the fewest extra bucks, and for the price of dinner and a movie, it's done. Not the best way, but it does work.

    Greebe's juiced up Athlon @750 on an MSI Irongate Based M/B Marvel G200 TV with HW/DVD Daughtercard,
    CDBurner, Creative DVD, two big WD Hdds, Outboard 56K modem
    Parallel Port Scanner, Creative S/B AWE 64 (ISA), and a new Logitech WebCam (My first USB device)


    • #17
      TIME OUT!
      If i had wanted to start the "SCSI VS IDE" War again i would have said so in the begining!
      I only asked 2 stupid questions!
      And i shouldent have used the word SCSI in the same text as the word IDE as some people see red when anyone does that!
      My question is answered and further arguing is only fun for the crowd!

      INTEL PIII450 MSI 6163
      G200Mill 16MB SDRAM + RRG
      128 MB RAM
      19GB HDD Space! (6.4+13 quantum drives)
      SONY CDU771 32X SLOT IN
      SONY CRX100E 4/2/24 CDRW

      If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

      Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


      • #18
        i didn't mean to offend anyone regarding the comparison i made relative to the differences between scsi and ide,all i wanted to make clear i that when it comes to having cd-roms,cd-r's,hard drives,etc... in a sistem , scsi is clearly a better standard relative to ide(in speed and flexibility)so there's no question that if you're setting up a graphics workstation,server,or a sistem for video production scsi is the way to go,now if you're using your sistem for running average apps(word processing,internet browsing ,gaming and burning the occasional cd-r)you're better off with ide since there won't be any benefit from using scsi for those tasks,my 2 cents anyway.
        note to self...

        Assumption is the mother of all f***ups....

        Primary system :
        P4 2.8 ghz,1 gig DDR pc 2700(kingston),Radeon 9700(stock clock),audigy platinum and scsi all the way...

