Well, I have been tasked with buying a new server for our Oracle tax database and run across something I didn't know about.
We will be going with HP, 32 gigs of ram and 24 HDs.
The HDs are for spindle count not volume, they will be on three controllers.
They will be 145gig, 15000 rpm SAS drives.
Also, some combination of processors to get us to 8 cores, which is what we are licensed for. Even the slowest available will be plenty fast enough, IO is our bottleneck.
The box will be running 64 bit Oracle Linux.
But, what does it mean that they ask for a ram amount for each processor rather than a total amount? Do the processors have access to all the ram, or just what they are attached to? That doesn't make sense to me.
PS I've never had occasion to shop for a server before, so any advice would be appreciated.
We will be going with HP, 32 gigs of ram and 24 HDs.
The HDs are for spindle count not volume, they will be on three controllers.
They will be 145gig, 15000 rpm SAS drives.
Also, some combination of processors to get us to 8 cores, which is what we are licensed for. Even the slowest available will be plenty fast enough, IO is our bottleneck.
The box will be running 64 bit Oracle Linux.
But, what does it mean that they ask for a ram amount for each processor rather than a total amount? Do the processors have access to all the ram, or just what they are attached to? That doesn't make sense to me.
PS I've never had occasion to shop for a server before, so any advice would be appreciated.