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Sound Card Question - Analog vs. Digital and other ???

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  • Sound Card Question - Analog vs. Digital and other ???

    Currently running two Gateway systems (one is my wife's). Both have the onboard Ensoniq AudioPCI 1371 chip.

    First question is, can anyone provide a brief description of the differences/benefits between using a digital out vs. analog out on a soundcard?

    Second, for my system, I'm considering two different options for an upgrade:

    The first is to install a SB Live MP3 and Creative/Cambridge Soundworks Digital speakers on one system. It's my understanding that digital speakers provide better sound quality when hooked to a digital soundcard out (such as the SB Live). Creative advises that hooking their Soundworks Digital speakers to an analog soundcard may show the "shortcomings" of the soundcard.

    My other option that I'm considering is to just upgrade the speakers to the Cambridge Microworks (the more expensive/higher quality - ? - version to the Soundworks speakers).

    Whadayathink? Would there be that much difference between sticking with the AudioPCI and Microworks speakers vs. SB Live and Soundworks Digital?

    I use my system primarily for work related stuff, some multimedia
    Gateway Performance 850 - Matrox G450 32mb DDR, SB Live! Value, Promise UltraATA 66 & 30GB HD - and Windows 2000 Pro

  • #2
    There would be quite a difference, but it's really just a matter of whether or not you wanna spend the money on it. I'm using an Ensoniq something or other right now and some cheap Gateway speakers I ganked from the computer lab I work in. My friends have SBLives but I just don't see the need for it. If you're a gamer or you use your computer for DVDs and gotta have the full digital effect, then by all means go for it. But if it's a work pc, then how about more ram (or something)? I think that there were arguments in the past over which speakers are the best so you might wanna try searching for that thread cus I know someone is gonna say that the Cambridge Soundworks Digital speakers suck.

