Yesterday a colleague took a bunch of video at our local Children's Hosptial (we are trying to raise money towards a new dual operating theatre).
Before going we did a test with our Sanyo HD2000 and a lapel mic. This worked ok but was a bit quiet. So she found the setting for 'external mic volume' and upped it from 3 to 4 out of 5. Sadly we didn't do another test and after filming she found the sound to be distorted.
What's a good approach to cleaning it up, if any?
I have available CS5 Master Suite (but my 64-bit Windows 7 box is playing up so I have to fix that first) and Pinnacle Studio 12 (will need reinstalling as the HDD it is on was last used on older hardware).
Before going we did a test with our Sanyo HD2000 and a lapel mic. This worked ok but was a bit quiet. So she found the setting for 'external mic volume' and upped it from 3 to 4 out of 5. Sadly we didn't do another test and after filming she found the sound to be distorted.
What's a good approach to cleaning it up, if any?
I have available CS5 Master Suite (but my 64-bit Windows 7 box is playing up so I have to fix that first) and Pinnacle Studio 12 (will need reinstalling as the HDD it is on was last used on older hardware).