Holly - MOTUB - Whatever
Here's an extension...
Say you are on out in the peacefull country side - watching the sun rise without the SMOG and such - anyway back to the story..
Now you've just spent the last 3 hours working on a document, and decide you need to take a restroom break. You are not on town water, so you have your own well and pump. You finish the business, come back out to your pc and find that the pc has mysteriously rebooted.
You're angry, upset, and sit down and start working on the document again. About 2 hours later *(you remembered much of what you've typed before, and reword a few things)* and now you have an even better document. Without thinking about you take another bathroom break (all that coffee/soda to try and calm your nerves)... Voila - spontaneous PC reboot... DOH! now you are really mad...
You call the power company and gripe at them, they come out and check the line and everything appears to be ok.
This goes on for a while.......
3 weeks later...
It dawns on you that the only time the PC reboots is when the water is running....
You're at the end of the line (literally), you're voltage is already marginal at say 111VAC instead of the good ole 118/119 we normally see, and whenever the water was turned on (toilet flushing, dishwasher, etc...) the voltage would drop enough due to the high-amperage water pump, that the PC would reboot.
The power company comes out and installs a step-up transformer somewhere upstream and voila - no more spontaneous reboots...
Moral of the story - Garbage out can sometimes be the cause of garbage in.... or Whenever you take a dump, your computer takes a dump!
This is a true story by the way, happened to some poor shmuck out in Wyoming at the end of a really long line extension....
Here's an extension...
Say you are on out in the peacefull country side - watching the sun rise without the SMOG and such - anyway back to the story..
Now you've just spent the last 3 hours working on a document, and decide you need to take a restroom break. You are not on town water, so you have your own well and pump. You finish the business, come back out to your pc and find that the pc has mysteriously rebooted.
You're angry, upset, and sit down and start working on the document again. About 2 hours later *(you remembered much of what you've typed before, and reword a few things)* and now you have an even better document. Without thinking about you take another bathroom break (all that coffee/soda to try and calm your nerves)... Voila - spontaneous PC reboot... DOH! now you are really mad...
You call the power company and gripe at them, they come out and check the line and everything appears to be ok.
This goes on for a while.......
3 weeks later...
It dawns on you that the only time the PC reboots is when the water is running....
You're at the end of the line (literally), you're voltage is already marginal at say 111VAC instead of the good ole 118/119 we normally see, and whenever the water was turned on (toilet flushing, dishwasher, etc...) the voltage would drop enough due to the high-amperage water pump, that the PC would reboot.
The power company comes out and installs a step-up transformer somewhere upstream and voila - no more spontaneous reboots...
Moral of the story - Garbage out can sometimes be the cause of garbage in.... or Whenever you take a dump, your computer takes a dump!
This is a true story by the way, happened to some poor shmuck out in Wyoming at the end of a really long line extension....