I got mine at a computer show ,It seems about half the dealers had them ..All were OEM not boxed no fan .They were around 250 -275 $ US.
Btw I backed that rascle down to 800 to "BURN IT IN" for a week at 2.75 volts then Ill try it again at 900..It ran 3dmark 2000 at 882 but was hard to shut down and startup (pissed off my wife, bless her heart"
Abit BF6, P3 600E AT 900, G400 32meg Dh ,Promise fasttrack striping 2 Quantum ka 18gig's + 2 10gig IBM's ,Sb-live platinum ,Cambridge Fps2000 speakers ,Onstream 30gig tape ,Sony cdrw ,toshiba dvd, Lotsa fans,cables ,noise....
Btw I backed that rascle down to 800 to "BURN IT IN" for a week at 2.75 volts then Ill try it again at 900..It ran 3dmark 2000 at 882 but was hard to shut down and startup (pissed off my wife, bless her heart"
Abit BF6, P3 600E AT 900, G400 32meg Dh ,Promise fasttrack striping 2 Quantum ka 18gig's + 2 10gig IBM's ,Sb-live platinum ,Cambridge Fps2000 speakers ,Onstream 30gig tape ,Sony cdrw ,toshiba dvd, Lotsa fans,cables ,noise....