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BH6 & Coppermine

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  • BH6 & Coppermine

    I'm trying to find out whether or not my BH6 1.0 will support Coppermines

    I've set the voltage at 1.6 volts and it appears to be ok, at least according to the voltage readout in the BIOS (my P3 is now running at 333 MHz)

    Is there anything else that could prevent a Coppermine from working ?

    P3 500@560, 192 MB ram, G400 16SH
    "That's right fool! Now I'm a flying talking donkey!"

    P4 2.66, 512 mb PC2700, ATI Radeon 9000, Seagate Barracude IV 80 gb, Acer Al 732 17" TFT

  • #2
    On abit's site they wrote that the BH6 under revision 1.1 do not officially support copermine du to voltage issue. Now, several people managed to get their Copermine to work on a BH6, so it's up to tou to see if it worth a try (if you have a good friend with a copermine it would be great..., otherwisw, make sure you can give it back if it's not working.)
    Athlon64 4800+
    Asus A8N deluxe
    2 gig munchkin ddr 500
    eVGA 7800 gtx 512 in SLI
    X-Fi Fatality
    HP w2207


    • #3
      I have an older BH6 ver 1.02 currently running a PIII500e @ 667mhz. 5x133 core at 1.50v .. runs very stable (OEM 16MB g400 DuaL at 2/3 AGP)

      I use an IWILL FC-PGA PII SlocKET and cooled with the Golden ORB (get one!)

      System never gets over 84F.

      I think you will have no problems if you step the CUMine up slowly and lower core(1.50) for heat. 103/112/124/133..

      Good luck!

      BTW- Be sure to set the Slocket FSB to auto.

      The Wonderful thing about tIgGers is tIgGers are fast deadly and sneaky. ;-)
      The Wonderful thing about tIgGers is tIgGers are fast deadly and sneaky. ;-)


      • #4
        Just got a PIII 600e 133x6 = 800mhz!!
        $249 asr-online

        This is AWESOME!

        on a 20 month old Abit BH6 ver. 1.02

        The Wonderful thing about tIgGers is tIgGers are fast deadly and sneaky. ;-)
        The Wonderful thing about tIgGers is tIgGers are fast deadly and sneaky. ;-)

