I really need to make order in my photos which I took over the years and am looking for a software that would allow me to order files in folders based on date and exif-comment. I usually made good order with the comment field, but transferring the files to computers was not always done in a thought-through matter.
Anyone know of software that allows me to copy/move to a folder structure which I can define e.g. <year>\<exif-comment>\filename.ext ?
It should work for both Nikon raw files and jpgs... Movies are less of an issue as I did not film much; I can do those few manually.
(currently thinking of fooling Nikon Transfer by putting all photos on a removable disk and transferring them again, but I don't think it can use the exif-comment field)
I really need to make order in my photos which I took over the years and am looking for a software that would allow me to order files in folders based on date and exif-comment. I usually made good order with the comment field, but transferring the files to computers was not always done in a thought-through matter.

Anyone know of software that allows me to copy/move to a folder structure which I can define e.g. <year>\<exif-comment>\filename.ext ?
It should work for both Nikon raw files and jpgs... Movies are less of an issue as I did not film much; I can do those few manually.
(currently thinking of fooling Nikon Transfer by putting all photos on a removable disk and transferring them again, but I don't think it can use the exif-comment field)