Can you try with different video card?
No announcement yet.
PSU on the fritz... Seasonic, BeQuiet, or something else?
I think it was happening before I installed it (using the onboard video), but I don't remember for sure.
It happens very rarely, making it more difficult to track (can be weeks or even months before it happens again). The reboots that triggered the bios power warning were more frequent.
My reboot problem is more frequent (z97 mainboard with i7-4790k)... There is nothing in the eventviewer (apart from the entry where it says it rebooted from an improper shutdown). I've found some threads on similar issues with the Netflix app, where it was hinted videocard settings (triple buffering, ...) should fix it. But it makes no difference... Many cases - but not all of them - seem to be helped with a bios-update, but I'm at the last version... Some comments are saying to just not use the app and use the browser, but even that is not a solution for everyone.
I will try that, as at least it can rule out the issue with the app... but I'm not sure if it plays back in HDR then.
(google "netflix random restart windows", and you'll get a whole bunch of posts)
edit: ok, I'm not on the last bios... The last release was 2801 (in 2015), then in 2018 they released a beta version 3503 ( , as a fix for Meltdown and Spectre). I did not install it then, as it was in beta and I was waiting for the final release... guess that maybe I should update to it...?
edit: I also found that a clean installation of the nVidia drivers has helped some people... worth a try. Some also refer to a clean installation of Silverlight, although that may be outdated information (it is not clear if the current netflix app still uses Silverlight or switched to html5, but it most likely is the latter).
Meanwhile, I am preparing to put my dual Xeon on ebay. Still need to figure out the payment system (don't want paypal), and I will get the original box, accessories and Intel coolers (they are still in Belgium, the system has the Supermicro supplied coolers installed as I wasn't sure the Intel windtunnel-coolers would fit). I don't know if the original box adds something, but I think it could be a nice touch (e.g. if a collector wants it). I should have those accessories here in August, and will then start putting up the parts on Ebay. I first want to try to get rid of the PCI-X cards (Indigita FW800, Promise SX4300), because as long as I have the mainboard, I can run diagnostics and provide technical data on them (device ids, etc). I won't be able to do that without the mainboard. Only after they will have been on offer for some time I will put the mainboard with installed cpus and memory.
Once that old system is gone, I plan to install the z97 in its case (LianLi PC70) and change the z97 for something newer. The whole shifting of equipment will require me to reinstall things and perhaps I'll get rid of the reboot issue at the same time.So I'm not looking too hard to fix it. The z97 at the moment is my media pc/light gaming, I plan to use it as work computer / server.
Last edited by VJ; 7 July 2021, 03:21.
So I guess you're BSODing (are you running Windows?). Perhaps there is a setting that prevents an actual reboot so that it will stay on the BSOD page so you can get some info on the crash? I assume a dump is made somewhere but I am not sure how to locate and interpret.Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
[...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen
No BSOD... Just an immediate reboot as if you would press the reset button; there is no time for a memory dump.
(when it had BSOD in the past for some other reason, there was enough time during the memory dump to read the info)Last edited by VJ; 8 July 2021, 07:03.
Yep. Passes them without problem.
It really is the netflix app. And it is easy on google to find people with the same issue, with different solutions helping different people.
On the next nvidia update, I'l try a clean driver install. But I'm not going to look more. I hope it will pass when I move hardware around and reinstall.
Just been through a similar sequence, after selectively disabling/removing half the components i tracked it down to an old HDD.
It would work fine for hours and then boom crash with no event viewer item except the last restart was not expected..
The HDD was used for recording live TV and has close a terabyte of stuff... but it still works enough for my pull the data off between crashes.
moral of the story , expect the unexpected
There are 3 sata disks, but they are not very old. Still, I can be with them disconnected for a while, so that is an easy test.
Still weird that it only happens in the netflix app (not downloading movies to hdd or so)...
Originally posted by Marshmallowman View PostJust been through a similar sequence, after selectively disabling/removing half the components i tracked it down to an old HDD.
It would work fine for hours and then boom crash with no event viewer item except the last restart was not expected..
One harddisk is beginning to act up. SMART diagnosis claims everything fine, but sometimes on boot-up the drive is not accessible (the drive letter shows up in explorer, but explorer hangs when trying to access it). It is a Sata harddisk on which I install most of the bigger apps, such as games; the OS + small apps are on SSD. It also contains some application data.
The disk is already backed up, but I'm currently unable to replace it (lack of time), but that will be the first urgent thing to do.