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What not to do in BIOS when you're BORED

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  • #31
    It depends on the quality of the sex you're used to...

    Seriously, how many times after sex have you jumped up, thrust your fist in the air and yelled YESSSSSSS at the top of your lungs and done a dance?

    [This message has been edited by Brian R. (edited 22 April 2000).]


    • #32
      Brian: Once, and I was 16


      • #33
        glarec, I too had a system fail to boot properly because I had all 4 screws securing the floppy drive. Geeze, that was annoying.


        • #34
          Flying is!
          "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

          "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


          • #35
            My latest adventure happened two weeks ago.
            I had decided to see what my little puppy (Athlon 500) could really do. So I bought a goldfinger card and a better fan (artic circle).
            When I finally got everything (shipping to Switzerland is not overnight) I had to task to take my athlon out of his case. That was challenging for my nerves, this little CPU costs a load of money and it would have really pissed me off if I would kill him.
            So I made the whole fan installation, everything went fine I thought.
            Plugged the CPU in the case, plugged the fan ... and booted the computer.
            Then my heart stopped beatting, my case had started beeping like a fireman truck (every owner of a K7M must know what I mean). When my heart started again I ripped the power cord off the case to avoid any damage to whatever it could damage. I checked everything again and restarted the computer, same thing. Stopped it and felt really really sad. Then I decided to let it go to the end to see if something really happens or not (my monitor is slow on startups).
            And then I felt so happy, yelled in my little student appartment and jumped to the keyboard to intercept the bios. In fact it was that my old fan was wired to the mobo and providing the rpm info to it. The new one didn't so my mobo was panicking, just modified the little flag to the bios and everything went fine after that.
            An eventfull day, after this story I turned out the request from my friend to modify his Athlon, "Do it yourself" was my answer.
            The lesson I took? Always wait till your monitor is completely on before stopping the case.
            Never ever think about doing those dangerous modification on somebody elses computer.


