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3dfx V5 6000 pictures..comments?

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  • #16
    I GOT IT!!! I FOUND A USE FOR THE V5 6000!!! It's really a club. Someone breaks into your house/flat and then you pull out your V5 6000 and beat them to death with it!

    I'll wait for the Dual G800 w/ 64 MB 128-bit DDR RAM thank you.

    “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
    –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


    • #17
      if you're interested, this is the box they'll be using:

      PIII-500mhz @ 620 ! with an Abit BE6 mobo
      128mb pc-100 cas 2
      Mill G400 (vanilla!!!) 32mb @ 167/208 with MGATweak-417mhz, (2.5, 2, 2.5), PD 5.5010 & bios 1.5-22
      Maxtor 14.3 gb Uata66 hdd
      SB Live!
      Winblows 98se & DX7
      and 384k DSL!


      • #18
        A guy must be very crazy to buy one....

        OR VERY RICH!!!


        • #19
          A guy must be very crazy to buy one....

          OR VERY RICH!!!


          • #20
            A guy must be very crazy to buy one....

            OR VERY RICH!!!


            • #21
              A guy must be very crazy to buy one....

              OR VERY RICH!!!


              • #22
                A guy must be very crazy to buy one....

                OR VERY RICH!!!

                It´s too damn expensive...


                • #23
                  Ok Alec, we love the multi monitor support of our cards. Now just go delete some of those posts


                  • #24
                    One gets the feeling Alec thinks the Voodoo5 is too expensive. The $600 price tag appears to have caused a spasm.

                    Alec, as Andrei suggests, you can edit and delete some of the repeats.



                    • #25
                      Glad I'm not paying for the bandwith for those Pix
                      Having pictures linked here at the Murc is expensive !!

                      I still have a soft spot for 3dfx. They started my addiction . Will all the new Matrox cards only be available @ the Matrox staore for list price again? That would suck. I want to get me a G450 Yea!

                      Remember that that card will be in somones desk drawer like the V2 in 2 years, funny huh?


                      • #26
                        It's the long lost brother of my good old AWE32!!!

                        -=And May The Schwartz Be With Ya=-


                        • #27
                          I think that Voodoo card will just fit into my wheely bin with my bank overdraft when I order one accidently when I'm totally pissed.
                          Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                          Weather nut and sad git.

                          My Weather Page


                          • #28
                            You think thats long, ive got an IBM AT right beside has 3 full-length cards ( disk controller card, memory expansion card, original Hayes 2400 baud modem ), and the VGA card I dropped in is 3/4 length. Hell, even the 30mb HDD is a double-height (thats TWO 5 1/4 inch bays folks).

                            Size is not as much of an issue as you think, provided its not completely unreasonable. People bought the AT even though it was as huge as the XT and incredibly expensive. They bought it because the performance was the best out there and it worked with all their other IBM-compatible hardware and software. Are we seeing some parallels here?

                            --- Did I mention the base model with 256K of ram and 2 DSHD 5.25" floppies went for $6000? This puppy ive got beside me was a cool $8000, all that for a hard drive. Despite the high prices, people will buy things if they truely deliver.

                            This Signature Space FOR SALE / RENT

                            [This message has been edited by MadCat (edited 20 May 2000).]

