Win2k gurus will love this one. I have been searching for a solution to this one for 3 months to no avail. Let's see if anyone else has had this trouble, or knows the answer:
Dell Optiplex GX1 (work machine)
Windows 2000
2 x Maxtor HDD. Both on Primary IDE chain
CD-ROM drive
128 MB RAM
The Primary Master has Win2k on an NTFS volume, the Primary Slave has FAT32 and is data storage.
How the Problem Occurs:
On occasion, a Windows NT 4.0 computers like to self-destruct and not load. Most of the time they cannot be repaired and it's easier for me to backup the data and Ghost the drive than play with it. So I take the NT 4 drive from the fried computer and put it in mine as the Pri. Slave in my computer. Once Win2k loads up it tells me I have a new device installed (the hard drive) and it needs to reboot to finish installing the device.
Whether I reboot or not the following happens. After I remove the hard drive and add back my storage drive (and this has happened even when there was no second drive), Win2k will not log in. I get the log-in screen, type in my user name and password, Windows begins to load, but right before the desktop loads, I get the log in screen again. Everytime you try to log in, the same thing happens.
Repairing the Win2k install does no good. Even if you replace the Win2k files you cannot get back into Win2k until you re-install the OS.
Originally I thought it was because Win2k tried to put the swap file on the second drive, but even after I started using a second drive all the time, it still happens. This has also happened when adding the drive as the Secondary Master or Slave. Now for the kicker...
If I add a Toshiba laptop hard drive (via an adaptor) as Secondary Master, I have no troubles. It only seems to happen when I install a Maxtor hard drive from another Dell Optiplex, but not necessarily a GX1.
So today I spent 2 hours re-installing Win2k and all my apps. JOY!
So, any ideas?
PS - All NT 4 volumes are Ghost'ed and autochk'ed, so the NTFS volumes are intact. My Win2k computer uses a freshly installed load.
Athlon 650, Biostar board, 128 MB PC133 (Crucial), G400 32 MB DH, SB Live! w/ Digital I/O, 10/100 NIC, lots of case fans, etc...
Dell Optiplex GX1 (work machine)
Windows 2000
2 x Maxtor HDD. Both on Primary IDE chain
CD-ROM drive
128 MB RAM
The Primary Master has Win2k on an NTFS volume, the Primary Slave has FAT32 and is data storage.
How the Problem Occurs:
On occasion, a Windows NT 4.0 computers like to self-destruct and not load. Most of the time they cannot be repaired and it's easier for me to backup the data and Ghost the drive than play with it. So I take the NT 4 drive from the fried computer and put it in mine as the Pri. Slave in my computer. Once Win2k loads up it tells me I have a new device installed (the hard drive) and it needs to reboot to finish installing the device.
Whether I reboot or not the following happens. After I remove the hard drive and add back my storage drive (and this has happened even when there was no second drive), Win2k will not log in. I get the log-in screen, type in my user name and password, Windows begins to load, but right before the desktop loads, I get the log in screen again. Everytime you try to log in, the same thing happens.
Repairing the Win2k install does no good. Even if you replace the Win2k files you cannot get back into Win2k until you re-install the OS.
Originally I thought it was because Win2k tried to put the swap file on the second drive, but even after I started using a second drive all the time, it still happens. This has also happened when adding the drive as the Secondary Master or Slave. Now for the kicker...
If I add a Toshiba laptop hard drive (via an adaptor) as Secondary Master, I have no troubles. It only seems to happen when I install a Maxtor hard drive from another Dell Optiplex, but not necessarily a GX1.
So today I spent 2 hours re-installing Win2k and all my apps. JOY!
So, any ideas?
PS - All NT 4 volumes are Ghost'ed and autochk'ed, so the NTFS volumes are intact. My Win2k computer uses a freshly installed load.
Athlon 650, Biostar board, 128 MB PC133 (Crucial), G400 32 MB DH, SB Live! w/ Digital I/O, 10/100 NIC, lots of case fans, etc...