Yes I am also waiting for the 760 for the T-bird jump. Just say no to Via 
Now really, Via chipsets are only half-decent. And that´s preety flatering, because they used to just plain suck. Driver support is awfull. I wonder how much Athlon performance is being lost in the KX/KT chipset... I think AMD must know, since they stated several times they don´t want to get into the chipset business, but they really haven´t much of a choice.

Now really, Via chipsets are only half-decent. And that´s preety flatering, because they used to just plain suck. Driver support is awfull. I wonder how much Athlon performance is being lost in the KX/KT chipset... I think AMD must know, since they stated several times they don´t want to get into the chipset business, but they really haven´t much of a choice.