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NVidia sues 3dFx!

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  • #16
    If Nvidia are so concerned with these alleged patent violations why have they allowed three generations of products to be produced by 3dfx before taking action? They could have sued 3dfx when the Voodoo 3 was announced and had the market all to themselves.
    Well it's been a while for one of my conspiracy theories:

    NVidea didn't dare sue 3DFX when they where doing really well; too much money in the coffers to fight them. Now that 3DFX isn't doing quite as well and the case againt NVidea has been draging on (cost boucoup bucks); they lanch an attack against them, with the hopes of one of two good for (NVidea) outcomes: 1) A stettlemant (of 3DFX's suite or both) before 3DFX spends all their money on lawers. or 2) 3DFX starts spending even more money in courts and lawyers; so they go under or atleast can't devote full resources to R&D, and maybe even manufacturing. Hey, if things go on long enough and/or things get tight enough people might leave. Either way it's good for NVidea.

    Oh well, I'll get off my rant box now. But don't be surprised if you end up hearing one of the above senarious playing out down the line; or a derivative there of.

    Mark F.

    OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
    and burped out a movie

    [This message has been edited by Mark F (edited 31 August 2000).]
    Mark F. (A+, Network+, & CCNA)
    OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
    and burped out a movie


    • #17
      I have to agree with Mark F on this issue. It's a classic case of hitting them when they're weakest.

      " much for subtlety.."

      System specs:
      Gainward Ti4600
      AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)

