I've had the misfortune of having the AGP port or north bridge die on my ol' Celery 300A + 400BX mobo. With proper cooling, this sucker rocked at 450MHz. Yesterday and today, though, it started producing all kinds of garbage in the video display. Random horizontal lines would get garbage pixels for a stretch, with approx 8 pixels between garbage.
This system has been solid, and nothing has changed in it for a couple of months. I was panicking thinking that my G400 was dying. After further testing, the G400 is fine, but that mobo's north bridge or agp port is going flakey.
I have two G400s: one in my home pc, and another in my work pc. They both produce identical garbage in my work pc, and they both work spectacular on my home pc. On my work pc, my ol PCI Millennium does just fine.
Has anybody else had sudden AGP port death on their ol 440BX mobo? This one is a Soyo SY-6BB.
What is the average life expectancy of a Celeron 300A -> 450? I think it is about time to upgrade that sucker. There is no telling what will die next.
This system has been solid, and nothing has changed in it for a couple of months. I was panicking thinking that my G400 was dying. After further testing, the G400 is fine, but that mobo's north bridge or agp port is going flakey.
I have two G400s: one in my home pc, and another in my work pc. They both produce identical garbage in my work pc, and they both work spectacular on my home pc. On my work pc, my ol PCI Millennium does just fine.
Has anybody else had sudden AGP port death on their ol 440BX mobo? This one is a Soyo SY-6BB.
What is the average life expectancy of a Celeron 300A -> 450? I think it is about time to upgrade that sucker. There is no telling what will die next.