Can someone heapl me? I want to upgrade my curent system ( Iwill BD100 + Celeron 333 ) wiht Abit BX133-RAID board, PIII Coopermine 733Mhz (133Mhz FSB) and appropriate PC133 memory. I'm owner of G400 32MB DH and Rainbow Runner G. I wander, am I going to have a problem running FSB on 133, because of overclocked AGP and PCI ports. I read abouth that issue and I know that it wouldn't be such a problem, but in this case... Matrox cards G400 DH (AGP) and Rainbow Runner G (PCI) are connected with two ribbon cables and have continouse communication. At 133Mhz FSB both AGP and PCI slots are overclocked but not proportional. Could it lead to unstable system, crashes or even system failure? Does someone have any experience in this matter? If this thing failes, what is the best upgrade solution for me? ( I hate VIA 4in1 drivers solution so I have to waith for 760 chipset, to upgrade on Athlon )
Please healp! If you desire, you can contact me personally at Marcus
Please healp! If you desire, you can contact me personally at Marcus