According to which is the Danish National Television Web Page containing news from abroad.Intel, on monday, will announce a new type of microprocessor 10 times faster than existing CPU's.
The chip is based on very very small transistors
According to Intel the new chip will bring the computer closer to creating real AI.
Intel is expected to release information on the new chip on monday, but they don't expect it will hit the market before sometime in 2005.
The new chip is built using connections not more than three ( 3! ) atoms wide.An Intel spokesperson says that the new chip will make it possible to recognize faces and speech.
The hardest part in building the new chip was heat issuses....the faster it runs the more heat it produces but Intel believe they have solved this problem using a new type of chemical compound which should keep the chip cool enough, a spokesperson says.
According to Intel the chip will run at 10 GHz.
The above is a summary of the danish text posted on the news page.
The chip is based on very very small transistors
According to Intel the new chip will bring the computer closer to creating real AI.
Intel is expected to release information on the new chip on monday, but they don't expect it will hit the market before sometime in 2005.
The new chip is built using connections not more than three ( 3! ) atoms wide.An Intel spokesperson says that the new chip will make it possible to recognize faces and speech.
The hardest part in building the new chip was heat issuses....the faster it runs the more heat it produces but Intel believe they have solved this problem using a new type of chemical compound which should keep the chip cool enough, a spokesperson says.
According to Intel the chip will run at 10 GHz.
The above is a summary of the danish text posted on the news page.