Picked up a cheap set of <A HREF="http://www.justerusa.com/products/aw-861.htm">flat panel speakers</A> to see what the technology was like. Well, first impression out of the box was geez, what junk! Vibration noise on low volume settings, no power, sound quality like you'd get from a cheap pair of headphones. Turns out these speakers are very sensitive to input signal strength, if you use the sub to control the volume a lot of the problems go away. The live's front outputs are at a high signal strength, probably to drive headphones. As God intended, these speakers come with a power cord, not a wall fungus.
All in all, the sub is great for the size, it only tried to render lows, not low to mid bands like some others. The flat panel speakers are like tweeters, litte to no lows, few mid tones, but great high frequency response. There is a large separation of lows and highs, all the lows come from the sub, there is a band of mid level tones that just don't work well at all, they get extremely mumbled. Rock music, with it's constant white noise, sounds like crap, classical music sounds great, dance music, synth type 80s tunes work well. Games, you don't notice, games don't have real music, so you can interpret it differently. Depending on the mp3 you play, you will have to change volume settings to avoid rumble, however the latest MP7 version helps a lot here. In general you won't be rocking the house with these.
The value of these things is mainly in the looks department, they just look damn cool on your desk. The flat panels are very thin, 3-4 mm. I paid $44 CDN for them, so it's no huge hit to the wallet, I'm sure the Benwin variety are much better, but the characteristics are likely to be similar.
[This message has been edited by Himself (edited 12 January 2001).]