well, here's the deal:
got two computers connected in a basic network config.
one is a Windows 2000 computer, the other a Windows 98 computer. both computers use Realtech base PCI NIC's, both connected as RJ45. - direct cable between two computers.
things worked out well as a network until today, that suddenly the network stoped working. when I open the network folder, none of the computers can see each other. IE in win98 - it only shows itself, and in win2000 - again, only shows itself.
there is no hardware problem, becuase the minute I switch to NetBui as the connection protocol, all works well as a network. but I loose my internet connection on the win2000 machine for some reason. so that's a no no.
so I guess the problem must be somewhere in the TCP/IP configuration for the NIC in windows 98 or 2000. can you do me a favour? can you tell me from each tab in the TCP/IP Settings for the NIC on windows 98, what setting it should be? what IP setting to choose - Automatic, or to define my own? what gateway? DNS? WINS? etc... and the same for windows 2000...
this is pretty much driving me crazy, as I have no idea why this happens. NetBui - works as LAN but no DUN.
Try to help.
Thakn you.
well, here's the deal:
got two computers connected in a basic network config.
one is a Windows 2000 computer, the other a Windows 98 computer. both computers use Realtech base PCI NIC's, both connected as RJ45. - direct cable between two computers.
things worked out well as a network until today, that suddenly the network stoped working. when I open the network folder, none of the computers can see each other. IE in win98 - it only shows itself, and in win2000 - again, only shows itself.
there is no hardware problem, becuase the minute I switch to NetBui as the connection protocol, all works well as a network. but I loose my internet connection on the win2000 machine for some reason. so that's a no no.
so I guess the problem must be somewhere in the TCP/IP configuration for the NIC in windows 98 or 2000. can you do me a favour? can you tell me from each tab in the TCP/IP Settings for the NIC on windows 98, what setting it should be? what IP setting to choose - Automatic, or to define my own? what gateway? DNS? WINS? etc... and the same for windows 2000...
this is pretty much driving me crazy, as I have no idea why this happens. NetBui - works as LAN but no DUN.
Try to help.
Thakn you.