I unlocked my new Duron 650 today, but I can't even get a post at multiplier x7 or better. I tried setting the multiplier at x6, and that worked, and I could boot at 650 MHz with multiplier set at x7 before I 'took the lead' to it ...
I tried boosting the voltage bit by bit to 1.85V, still nothing.
I can overclock the chip to 715 MHz by setting the FSB to 110 MHz without boosting the voltage, so I would assume that I would be able to boot at 700.
I haven't got a clue as to what's going on here, any suggestions ?
I tried boosting the voltage bit by bit to 1.85V, still nothing.
I can overclock the chip to 715 MHz by setting the FSB to 110 MHz without boosting the voltage, so I would assume that I would be able to boot at 700.
I haven't got a clue as to what's going on here, any suggestions ?