<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by Lucid:
Seems like Tempest is the only one who has managed to change the icon on the Start button.. So how's that done?
(inside. outside. weltwide. heheh)</font>
Seems like Tempest is the only one who has managed to change the icon on the Start button.. So how's that done?
(inside. outside. weltwide. heheh)</font>

Of course we have proggies like TClock that load into memory and customize things on-the-fly. But hey, we wouldn't want to waste memory, would we ?
So we'll do it the HARD way. It's been some time since I did the mod (can't remember exactly how) but here's something to get you started:
Two excellent programs to customize these kind of things are Restorator and MicroAngelo.
Then we need to know in which files the bitmap/icon resources are located. For the banner that usually says "Windows 2000 Professional" or such, the file is Explorer.exe. Using Restorator, there you can replace the bitmap with your own.
When it comes to modding the Start button icon, I recall in Win9x it resides in User.exe and in Windows 2000 in User32.dll. You can edit that with Restorator, although for Win9x you might have to use Microangelo (Restorator doesn't edit 16-bit executables).
Okay, remember to make backups of the original files (just in case) and here are some links you might find interesting:
(has a link at the bottom, leads to the forum with lots of nice tips)
Keep on modding!
[This message has been edited by Tempest (edited 22 March 2001).]