The wife's laptop has been dog slow sending files over our home network last couple of weeks. Would receive OK. She has been at some tree/landscape sites lately, and was printing a file today when McAfee pops up with the bug-grasp window and reports the VBS/Netlog.worm.a virus.
Now that the network.vbs file is deleted off the C drive, it sends as fast as it receives.
When the virus was active, as it sent files the utilization lights on the hub would go on and off, like it was sending small individual packets. Now it stays steady when it sends a large file. What took minutes to transfer now takes seconds.
When I read the description of the virus, I became lost in the translation. Says it deletes the network.log file, writes log file open, subnets...random numbers..scans addresses...I am confused.
What has this virus got to do with slowing down the laptop "send" on my little old home network?
[This message has been edited by SCompRacer (edited 31 March 2001).]
Now that the network.vbs file is deleted off the C drive, it sends as fast as it receives.
When the virus was active, as it sent files the utilization lights on the hub would go on and off, like it was sending small individual packets. Now it stays steady when it sends a large file. What took minutes to transfer now takes seconds.
When I read the description of the virus, I became lost in the translation. Says it deletes the network.log file, writes log file open, subnets...random numbers..scans addresses...I am confused.
What has this virus got to do with slowing down the laptop "send" on my little old home network?
[This message has been edited by SCompRacer (edited 31 March 2001).]