Maybe one of you bright sparks can answer something which has had me puzzled.
I've spent the last couple of days playing around with wireless networks and one thing I've noticed along the way is this, all the PCI cards are really PCMCIA cards on an adaptor. Some of them have the PCMCIA part seperate which just plugs into the card, i.e. 3Coms, others are all in one but you can see what looks like a PCMCIA card stuck to it, i.e. Compaq's.
Surely it's more complicated to produce them this way and obviously more expensive, so is there some technical reason behind this?
I've spent the last couple of days playing around with wireless networks and one thing I've noticed along the way is this, all the PCI cards are really PCMCIA cards on an adaptor. Some of them have the PCMCIA part seperate which just plugs into the card, i.e. 3Coms, others are all in one but you can see what looks like a PCMCIA card stuck to it, i.e. Compaq's.
Surely it's more complicated to produce them this way and obviously more expensive, so is there some technical reason behind this?