I've been waiting for five months now for Plextor to produce a SCSI version of their 16/10/40A drive and not a word!
I've had to borrow a 2x burner from a friend for the last five months and he's staring to get antsy to get it back (doesn't like having to move his main burner box between systems). I landed up apparently ruining my Yamaha CRW4416S burner back then and I've been holding out on Plextor updating their PX-W1210TS/SW with a 16/10/40 version. Has anybody heard if they're going to offer this faster drive and if so, when? I remember the discussion about Plextor getting out of the SCSI market and Plextor's denial of same but still no new product. Paulr mentioned that he bought the Yamaha CRW2100SZ and seemed to like it. How's that drive doing for you Paulr? Do you still recommend it? I really wanted to try a Plextor this go round but we're about out of patience and I do miss having the RW capability. Any insight?