Well, I get my new remote soon for my HT, but the remote does much more than HT. You can control anything that you can connect an IR sensor to and learn the codes. I have several ideas but wanted to know if anybody could think of some good ideas I haven't thought of yet. For instance, I am going to create several MACROS to my favorite radio stations. The cool part about it is that I can use the stations logo and turn it into a bitmap adn place that on the LCD screen so when I press the logo, it goes to that station for me without pressing any other buttons. Now, I know macros aren't new, but this remote seems to work rather well and you can have up to 255 commands per macro. Here is some custom screenshots of what other people have doen that will give you an idea of what you can do....
See image posted below:
This image shows the 'home' screen
See image posted below:
He has custom IR lights setup. He can use his remote to turn them on and off
See image posted below:
And here is a screenshot of his channel setup. Notice the tabs in this pic.
The ideas are virtually limitless. You need only worry about how much memory you have and keep within the space. So if any of you have any ideas, let me know
[This message has been edited by Helevitia (edited 13 June 2001).]
See image posted below:
This image shows the 'home' screen
See image posted below:
He has custom IR lights setup. He can use his remote to turn them on and off
See image posted below:
And here is a screenshot of his channel setup. Notice the tabs in this pic.
The ideas are virtually limitless. You need only worry about how much memory you have and keep within the space. So if any of you have any ideas, let me know

[This message has been edited by Helevitia (edited 13 June 2001).]