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Here´s my KyroII review...

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  • Here´s my KyroII review...

    ok, if you have patience and read you´ll know the previous story...
    I´ve tested it with a AMD 750 socket A board, wich means fsb and memory at 100 Mhz and default cpu speed of 900 Mhz. So in terms of CPU performance it should be lagging behind the previous A7V-998Mhz-111 Mhz fsb- 148 Mhz Cas3 memory I had.

    About the card: It´s an OEM version, it came on a white box, with only the drivers and a manual. It has 5 ns memory, and this is a complete waste. Why? because it´s a dog to overclock. AT 185 mhz it starts to display graphical errors, so the sweet spot should be between 180-185, but who cares?

    Instalation: if we forget yesterday´s nightmare, it installed like a charm on this gigabyte motherboard. Had to reinstall win2k (yes, it´s win2k will be talking about) , though (AMD 750 being slighty diferent from Via KT133 ). I installed generic 7.103 drivers, although Hercules released today its own driver based on those ones.

    2D display: The only thing I noticed was the desktop colors are slightly less vivid than with the G400. It´s just as sharp as the G400 on my 19´´ monitor (desktop@ 1280x960x32). The limiting factor here may be the monitor, but the fact the text is still very readable at 1600x1200x32 is a good sign. You´ll not be disapointed with 2d quality, I´m sure. No 2d aparent glitches so far, no crashes, no icon corruption. Good. It *seems* that the 2D is slighlty slower (like scrolling a big web page) than the G400, but I don´t know how much I´m influenced by sort of expecting it...
    It hasn´t any kind of monitor/resolution/refresh rate customization, and D3D and OpenGl games still start at 60 hz refresh rate. This is a big minus, Matrox has it since early win2k drivers. But the good news it that you can do exactly the same with powerstrip 3.0. It´s sad you have to use a 3rd party utility to do it.

    3D display: Excelent. It has a color saturation and crispiness comparable to the G400, and miles away from the slightly whashed-out feeling of nvidia cards (haven´t seen the GF3 yet). One strong point is 16 bit games. It´s unbeliavable how good they look on they kyro. Damn, where´s all that colored spots (dithering ) I was used to?? And the feeling it gives on gaming is excelent. Framerate averages doesn´t tell the whole story. In real gaming you notice a very consistent frame-rate, without noticeable slowdowns. Very good.

    Now here´s some impressions/numbers from a text I´ve been writing this afternoon The Kyro numbers are at 180/180 and G400 are at 150/200.

    Collin McRae 2 Demo

    Despite the ocasional slowdowns, common to all graphic cards, AFAIK, (not sure if this was corrected on the final game), it´s absolutely superb at 1024x768x32 at max details, EMBM on. Tottaly fluid. Forcing tex xompression give a nice boost without any noticeable visual abnomalties.

    Alice Demo

    Superb. Absolutely fuid gameplay everything maxed. Texture compression causes some very minor graphical glitches, only noticeable if you actually pay attention to the non-compressed textures version.

    Beetle buggin´Demo

    Don´t really know if anyone knows of this one, but it runs perfectly, too. Forcing texture compression also doesn´t cause any strange effects, but it isn´t really necessary because the game is limited to 1024x768x32.

    Breakneck demo

    Runs fine even at 1600x1200x32 Not a surprise here, N.I.C.E. ran good even on a G200... Nice one to try monter antialiasing and anisotropic...

    Clive Barker´s Undying demo

    Totally terrifing game. Not for the fainted hearted people. Yes, it rocks on the kyro.

    Crimson Skies Trial

    Runs fine and smooth, limited to 1024x768. Texture compression not recomended because it induces some ugly banding on the sky.

    Deus Ex demo

    Run aceptably up to 1024x32. Compressed textures don´t help to much, so the video card shouldn´t be the bottleneck... Don+t really know how much DeusEx likes win2k/PC100 memory.

    Ducati Racing

    Below-average motoracer clone, it flies on teh Kyro, but someone want´s to play it is beyond me...

    Echeleon demo

    This one has EMBM and it rocks on the kyro...

    Everglade Rush demo

    Racing boat game, it runs like sh!t... It also did on the G400. A slide show, various rendering errors, I don´t really know if this game runs in anything else but a Ge-force.

    Far Gate demo

    Runs fine, aceptable performance, nothing spectacular, but much better than the G400 did. Very vivid colors and no graphical error.

    Giants Mecc Demo

    It doesn´t perform much better than the G400 (until the higher res). Very cpu limited coded with T&L in mind? Not to forget that it´s running on a significantly slower platform than I tried with the G400. I think the game has this issue solved with a patch.

    Gore Test.

    It flies. It already performed good on the G400, so it´s not a very demanding game

    FAKK2 demo

    Q3 based engine, the one Kyro excels at.

  • #2
    And more, because I couldn´t do such a long post...

    Interstate 82

    Old 16-bit game, works just fine.

    Incoming Lux&Robur

    Anyone remembers this one? Works just fine, and it´s a pleasure to look at kyro 16-bit rendering.

    Jedi Knight Demo

    Another oldie, works fine.

    Matrox G400 techdemo

    It doesn´t work If anyone knows how to enable this one to work with another cards I would like to know...

    Mercedes Benz Truck Racing

    No it doesn´t have any graphical abnomalities as Nvidia propaganda said A recent driverupdate fixed it...
    Impressive performance - 41.3 fps @ 1024x768x32/34.6 fps @ 1280x768x32, max settigns. Just to compare, G400 scored 13.4 and 7.1 accordingly. The average framerate doesn´t tell the whole story... It´s very smooth, framerate never drops below aceptable levels. Tile rendering really scores here.

    Midtown Madness 2

    ultra smooth, excelent 16-bit rendering also.

    Mortyr Demo

    It runs like Quake2 in timedemo 1 mode - too fast and unplayable. Don´t really know if it´s some setting to tweak.

    Nascar Heat Demo

    Runs perfectly. Just a little thing, on the bechmark it says the Kyro II has 2275 Mpixel7sec Filrate. Awesome - they say

    NBA 2001 demo

    Works fine.

    NOLF tech demo

    Good performance and great graphics.

    Serious Sam Test demo2

    Maybe KyroII show-off game, right? If the final game really performs even better than this test...

    Test Drive LeMans Demo

    Works great.

    Warmup! demo

    Somewhat oriented T&L game, it run just fine on the Kyro. Not very high framerates, but a nice sustained one on the lower 30´s at 1024x768x32 trilinear. Bilinear filtering in this game is just ugly, the mipmap levels are..err.. tiled?? Trilinear works just fine. G400 displayed strange artefacts on the sky, Kyro renders it correctely.

    just fine and anisotropic is gorgeous but... unusable, too much of a performance hit.

    DMZG benchmark

    1024x768x32: 62 fps (G400 27 fps)
    1280x960x32: 54.4 fps (G400 15.3 fps)

    Now I find this excelent. It is sign that kyro actually deals just fine with huge polygon counts, and too many polygons originates too much overdraw. Kyro likes overdraw


    16 bit 3dm2k never looked better
    Ok, it scores 4485 in 1024x768x16 and 4332 in 1024x768x32 (3360 and 2500 for the G400), so it reflects the relative lack of cpu power.


    1624, more or less the same G400 scored on the 1 ghz. No comments


    Another beauty running on KyroII. It´s heavily cpu limited, but with a half-decent cpu nowadays, you can get very playable framerates:
    1024x768x32 all max, T&L, trilinear: 53.9 (G400 39 fps)
    1280x960x32 all max, T&L, trilinear: 52.3 - big change here (G400 25 fps)
    1600x1200x32 ... : 42 fps
    just for fun -> 1920x1440x32 all maxed, trilinear: 28.6 fps : Now this is amazing. The game is actually PLAYABLE at this insane resolution, 32 bit. The fps score doesn´t tell the whole story because it´s consistently on the 30´s fps, ocasionally dropping on the 20´s, with the average spoiled by the sniper scene, where it spends a lot of time at a plain 19fps.

    I hope you´ll like this. I plan to update it soon with more benches and games (maybe quake3 ) and DVD and Mpeg display because I haven´t tried it yet.


    • #3
      Nice work there, Nuno... maybe the Firing Squad will see and hire you .

      It seems like a good graphics board and the price is not very high...

      So how does the board behave with a slow processor (466 Mhz)? I believe that the LX doesn´t work with Celeron II... I´ll probably will upgrade my mobo/processor first.


      • #4
        Well done thanxs for the info.
        Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
        Weather nut and sad git.

        My Weather Page


        • #5
          More updates:

          TOCA touring cars 2

          This is one of my favourite racing games. Very realistic and intense driving, specially when paired with a force-feedback wheel. 1280x960x32 totally smooth. I´m in heaven

          Quake3 and Unreal Tournament

          Ok, preety much every one has read something about KyroII Q3 and UT benchmarks. Yes, it´s as good as they tell.


          Using Lithtech 1 engine, as Blood 2, it´s smooth as silk at 1280x960x16. Text compression must be on by default, because the sky isn´t nearly as preety as it was on G400. I´ll take a look at the registry to see if I can disable compression.


          I think Kyro has a minor issue with Half-life engine. Nothing really wrong, but I tend to notice a little stutering now and then that is a bit anoying. Not really sure if it´s a driver issue or a half-life config tweak that I´m missing...

          Alien vs Predator

          As good as it gets. It already ran as a charm on the G400.


          Works just fine. Poisondemo 1024x768x32 ~60fps, I guess still cpu limited.


          I think this game was an issue with win2k. It crashes a lot, but so it did with the G400. When it works it runs very well at 1024x768x32. I remember this game was the beggining of the end - it was the *first* game I couldn´t run at 1024x768x32 on the G400

          Ultimate race pro

          Oh, the memories I still think the sgl version looked better. I don´t really know why they stopped powerSGL support...


          • #6
            Ok, thanks

            Now let´s go on...

            DVD: I used windvd2000 + The Matrix. The DVD playback is very acceptable but doesn´t seem as smooth as the G400 and the image is blurier. Don´t get me wrong, there´s nothing really wrong with DVD decoding, but the G400 was better. But I will investigate it further, as I think my windvd version doesn´t even get close to support the Kyro chip.

            Blood2: 1280x960x16 tottaly smooth. I can´t stop saying how good the Kyro looks in 16-bit only games.

            Now for a little biased benchmarking

            Templemark: 1024x768x32 62 fps
            Villagemark: 1024x768x32 104 fps
            D3Dfortune: 240-250 fps Fillrate ~6 Gpixel/sec



            Overdraw factor 3, back to front: 283.80 fps
            Overdraw factor 3, front to back: 286.49 fps
            Overdraw factor 3, random order: 286.59 fps

            Overdraw factor 8, back to front: 247.60 fps
            Overdraw factor 8, front to back: 248.08 fps
            Overdraw factor 8, random order: 247.77 fps

            Pixel fillrate: 241.06 MegaPixels / s
            Texel fillrate: 357.09 MegaTexels / s

            T&L/High polygon count static display list:
            Pure transform: 3050498 vertices / s
            2 point lights: 804021 vertices / s
            8 point lights: 298318 vertices / s
            2 directional lights: 1705356 vertices / s
            8 directional lights: 1134689 vertices / s

            High memory bandwidth load/texture cache efficiency:
            One 1024x1024x32 texture: 179.14 fps
            Four 1024x1024x32 textures: 174.76 fps

            Tirtanium 1.9 3dnow!
            640x480x16 : 62.5 fps
            1024x768x32: 50.6fps

            Ogl (windowed):
            1024x768x32: 44.6

            3dwinmark 2000 (another old one )

            3dwinmark 1024x768x32 92.3 (g400 41.3)
            Not of much interest, but it´s another proof of the very consistent frame rate Kyro has. The slider bar that measures fps doesn´t flip like crazy.

            More coming soon...


            • #7
              Good review, especially the information on performance in such a wide variety of games. If I were looking to buy something right now, that would be the perfect information to give out, so I'd have the chance to see how the card does in whatever game or type of game I like to play.

              That actually sounds like a pretty capable card for most peoples' needs, at least with an above average processor (both of yours appear to be better than a lot of people have).

              System specs:
              AMD T-Bird 1.33 (o.c. to 1.5Ghz)
              Asus A7M266
              256MB Crucial PC2100 DDR RAM
              Promise Fastrak 100 EIDE Raid controller running
              2x IBM DTLA 60GB 7200 RPM UDMA 100 hdd, RAID 0 array
              " much for subtlety.."

              System specs:
              Gainward Ti4600
              AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)


              • #8
                Ok, and now to finish:

                GL excess, Urban Assault demo, The phanton menace demo, Ace´s High demo, Croc2 demo, GPolice demo, Lithtech2 engine demo, Nightmare Creatures demo, PRLand, Sin demo, Q3 arena Via map, Trickstyle demo, Soldier of Fortune, Monster truck madness2, Age of Empires 2, Superbikes 99, The sims, Unreal I, Tomb Raider 4&5 demos, everything worked fine and faast. For the ones who still have 3dmark99, it does 6138 3dmarks in 1280x960x32, 32z, TB

                Some Issues so far: Powerslide demo causes a BSOD (It worked with the G400 but without any textures), Tomb Raider2 has Z-buffer issues (like anyone cares about that one ), Superbikes 2001 demo is very slow (slower than the G400), has terrible z-buffer and alpha-blending issues (I sware I though I was back to the PCX2 days ), Diablo2 doesn´t work with Direct3d enabled (could be a win2k issue, but it worked with the G400), Forsaken isn´t significantly faster than with the G400 - but that was already fast enough. It could represent a worst case scenario for the Kyro: Almost inexistent overdraw, plenty of transparent textures and lighting efects.

                Another issue is trilinear and anisotropic performance hits. If you go with this card hoping to use anisotropic filtering (yes, it´s preety) forget it. The performance hit is HUGE, maybe you can force it with older games, but you can´t really use it with any current game.

                Just take a look at this 3dmark99 texture filtering test (% of bilinear):
                - Point sampling 100.6%
                - Bilinear 100%
                - Trilinear 58%
                - Anisotropic 16%

                Preety bad, don´t you think? But you have to notice that Kyro has a very aceptable performance level, so trilinear or even anisotropic in real use doesn´t impair performance THAT much. ~40% is also the trilinear performance hit G400 has. 2 texture units for rendering pipeline really get its use when talking about free trilinear filtering. I guess we have to wait for KyroIII or G550 for that...

                Now, you must have seen everywhere that enabling texture compression speeds up trilinear rendering, right? Well, What I have to say is that when texture compression is enabled, KyroII doesn´t properly implement trilinear filtering. I mean, I don´t know how it works with other cards when tex comp is activated. How will I describe it? Well, it isn´t mipmap dithering. It´s very hard to demonstrate, because in a still picture (like not moving in Quake3) the rendering is perfect, it looks like real trilinear filtering. If you take a screenshot you can´t see nothing strange. However, in rapid moving action (running forward in Q3, Car racing on a track), if you look, you can notice the transitions between mipmap levels. It´s something very strange, like a half-way between bilinear and trilinear. It´s nothing worrisome, and I doubt that you´ll ever notice it on normal gameplay, but if you look for it, it´s there.

                Ok. End of Review
                I hope you have liked, or this info can be of any use to all of you wanting to upgrade the 3d gaming speed of your Matrox based systems. I´m sorry if this was bothersome but all what I did was to try all the games and demos I have with my new video card. Along, I took some notes I copy&pasted here to keep you informed.

                To sum it up, I am pleased with the KyroII? You can bet I am. It´s not a perfect card, keep in mind that it was much hyped on the first reviews you started seeing on the net, so some of you migh be hoping for a killer card.

                It is definitly a budget-oriented video card that performs very well within its price range. If you have a Matrox G400, you aren´t quite happy with its 3d performance nowadays, you don´t need dual-head, and you don´t need something like 1920x1440x32 bit @ 100 Hz, you can´t be wrong with this card. Even if you face it as a temporary solution while Matrox doesn´t release some GF3 killer.

                And for win2k users, it´s excelent. Win2k drivers are pretty robust and perform on par with win9x ones. You loose monitor customization from powerdesk, but you can fix it with powerstrip 3.0. Oh, and direct 3d V-synch off works in win2k. And There isn´t no openGl flickering fade-mode bug.

                Now, the pluses and the minuses

                + Very capable all-around gaming card
                + Excelent value for the money
                + very consistent framerate
                + Broad game compatiblity, even with older ones
                + Excelent 3d image quality
                + Awesome 16-bit rendering
                + Good FSAA performance, feasable 1024x768x32 4xAA in many titles
                + You get Anisotropic, DXTC, FSAA, DOT3 product bumpmapping
                + Excelent 3d Quality. It rivals or even exceeds G400.
                + Good 2d Quality. On a 19´´ 1600x1200@75 Samsung tube and I can´t notice the difference. As I stated the monitor may be the limiting factor here.
                + Aparently stable 2d drivers

                - DVD decoding quality is worse than the G400
                - You don´t have monitor customizations in win2k, all your games start at 60 hz refresh rate, unless you fix it with dxdiags and powerstrip.
                - No dual-head (of course)
                - 270Mhz RAMDAC can be a limiting factor for some users
                - Only DXTC mode 1 available
                - Unusable anisotropic filtering
                - Trilinear performance hit
                - Incorrect trilinear filtering with texture compression
                - Very Poor overclocker. Only 5-10 Mhz feasable makes you think they have the chip running on-the-edge
                - Generally good driver stability, but PMX2hal.dll or something like that managed to give me BSOD´s in win2k. Not in a ramdom maner, but in some reproductible procedures (that worked fine with the G400, and I haven´t seen a win2k BSOD Matrox related since 5.1x drivers). Maybe next driver releases fix it.
                - Concern about driver updates. The Kyro, because of its unconventional rendering can be more dependent of driver releases than other cards. Imagination tech seems to have got their act togheter with KyroII release (Hercules pressure?), but I haven´t ever seen beta or leaked software for Kyro´s. And the fact Neon250 (PowerVR2) latest drivers are dated from 1999 gives me the creeps. AFAIK G200 is an old card and continues to get driver support.

                Well, afer done with this I must ask if you guys still alow me to be a Matrox User (at least at heart)?


                • #9
                  "That's right fool! Now I'm a flying talking donkey!"

                  P4 2.66, 512 mb PC2700, ATI Radeon 9000, Seagate Barracude IV 80 gb, Acer Al 732 17" TFT


                  • #10
                    Elevado Nuno, great stuff!! Could you do me a small favour tho? I love to play Mechwarrior4. Could you test the Kyro2 on that game? If you don't have it, there is a demo out at

                    assunto secundario bom

                    my Portugese is only Bablefish translations, so I apologise if it is screwed up

                    AsusP3B-F,P3 880 Slot1, 512megsPC133,G40032megSH, Diamond MX300,13.5gigs of HD's,52X CDrom,WinME, PD 6.21 ,Altec Lansing ATP3Subwoofer,
                    Envision 17",Terrayon Cable modem,Linksys EtherFast LNE100TX nic,1 grey cat,1 black cat & 1 calico
                    AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.


                    • #11
                      Ok, but you have to have patience... 69 Mb on a 56K...

                      Nope don´t worry, you didn´t screw up, but babelfish did it for you I didn´t quite understand what you´re trying to say


                      • #12
                        Good review Nuno. I got my Kyro II a week ago and I have troubles in Q3 (never goes over 50FPS no matter resolution). I haven´t tried any other game though.


                        • #13
                          Now look at this and compare it with Nunos results. This is with a 1,33GHz T-bird, W2K. Latest driver release.



                          Overdraw factor 3, back to front: 251.48 fps
                          Overdraw factor 3, front to back: 251.34 fps
                          Overdraw factor 3, random order: 251.40 fps

                          Overdraw factor 8, back to front: 218.06 fps
                          Overdraw factor 8, front to back: 218.49 fps
                          Overdraw factor 8, random order: 218.20 fps

                          Pixel fillrate: 211.90 MegaPixels / s
                          Texel fillrate: 346.88 MegaTexels / s

                          T&L/High polygon count static display list:
                          Pure transform: 1827347 vertices / s
                          2 point lights: 1135176 vertices / s
                          8 point lights: 433235 vertices / s
                          2 directional lights: 1825294 vertices / s
                          8 directional lights: 1567248 vertices / s

                          High memory bandwidth load/texture cache efficiency:
                          One 1024x1024x32 texture: 162.68 fps
                          Four 1024x1024x32 textures: 159.42 fps

                          It´s to low. Look at the T&L scores.


                          • #14
                            Yes, actually that looks low for a 1.33.

                            Here´s my results on a G400 150/200, Tb 1 Ghz, Asus A7V, 111 fsb, 148 Mhz memory

                            G400 @ 150/200, Athlon 1 Ghz, win2k


                            Overdraw factor 3, back to front: 60.49 fps
                            Overdraw factor 3, front to back: 74.79 fps
                            Overdraw factor 3, random order: 68.28 fps

                            Overdraw factor 8, back to front: 23.94 fps
                            Overdraw factor 8, front to back: 32.69 fps
                            Overdraw factor 8, random order: 30.03 fps

                            Pixel fillrate: 200.82 MegaPixels / s
                            Texel fillrate: 240.22 MegaTexels / s

                            T&L/High polygon count static display list:
                            Pure transform: 5060804 vertices / s
                            2 point lights: 1993576 vertices / s
                            8 point lights: 939192 vertices / s
                            2 directional lights: 3059514 vertices / s
                            8 directional lights: 2310632 vertices / s

                            High memory bandwidth load/texture cache efficiency:
                            One 1024x1024x32 texture: 149.03 fps
                            Four 1024x1024x32 textures: 153.46 fps

                            See, these T&L values are also higher, but that can be because of the higher clock speed, fsb and memory.

                            What motherboard do you have? What speed do you run your memory at? Do you have an IRQ assigned to VGA? All video caching/shadowing is disabled on the bios? AGP 4x set to disabled? Latest VIA 4-1 drivers installed?


                            • #15
                              I don´t have any time now I will get back to you with full info later.

