Originally posted by |Mehen|
The DV-50S is a universal player - DVD, CD, SACD, DVD-A - that runs ~$6000 USD.
The new high-end version of the DV-50S, called the UX-01 will run $13000 USD.
The new P-01 transport - for those who are wondering, yes, all a transport does is read the CD and output the exact digital bits to a... - and D-01 monaural D/A converter - yes, you need two of these, one of each channel, to actually convert the digital from the transport to analog that the preamp outputs to the amps to the speakers ... and yes, this class of audiophilia is insane - with G-0 clock generator - yes, a seperate piece that JUST synchronizes the transport and D/A - run about $63000 USD.
So much for TEAC being all cheap