Nobody has posted in here in two years sooooooooo...
During the years following my sons health issues abandoned all of my speaker design desires. Doctors worried that the bass ala boom boom can induce seizures. A few years ago got back into what I had missed in the 20 year absence. Rediscovering what I forgot, what has changed, and or further knowledge of what has been researched since then. This all started as a small speaker project for my son whom absolutely loves music. No risk of seizures anymore. Well my life has it's ups and downs, mostly the latter and that project never saw the light of day, despite being rather cheap for a DIY speaker project. I did set him up a small FAST system, HK receiver cheap (ebay), a Samsung tablet loaded with a mess of FLAC files, Monsoon active sub from my PC, and a couple of small modified KLH satellite speakers pulled from next to a dumpster, cheap, sounds great. It is far more capable than what he needs in a bedroom. He's a very happy camper as long as it's not on the radio. Well FM isn't the problem, it's the commercials, he HATES them and gets rather disgruntled and loud when they are on. Hence the Tablet, music all day/night without any of that. Now if I could figure out just WHY IN THE WORLD he likes to listen to P!NK all day! LOL ...he also likes Bob Segar, The CARS, Katy Perry, Billy Squire, Def Leopard and Van Halen (pretty much in that order)
Well with that dissolved (resolved?) decided it has been far too long with myself wanting something along those lines, yet a bit more capable (understatement of the year). Decided on a transmission line design of my own making, after pouring through everything I can find on the subject made one using the same inexpensive 6.5" woofer (in quantity <$20 ea). Well this project has been languishing for some time due to lack of funds, but I found something critical that was missed in the theory of how they function. Will not go into that as I am hoping to get a patent.
With that said, have built a three way utilizing the TL sub mated with a push pull planar fullrange and topped it off with an AMT Tweeter.
System is Active utilizing a miniDSP 2x4 with a 4 way plugin software control. Crossover points at 330Hz and 3300Hz. It has a frequency range of 26 ->20kHz. The AMT is capable of 30kHz plus, but is limited by the active crossover which stops at 24kHz when set to operate at 48kHz sampling rate. Analysis shows inaudible distortion pretty much across it's operating range. I am so tickled can't hold it anymore.
Everything is time aligned and or compensated via active crossover so even horizontal polar response is spot on. OMG I need cash to finish, had hoped Santa would be good to me, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. Damn it's eating at me bad. Have to finish the power supplies which use two 625va Toroid transformers. Have had these for some time, but the rest, ala softstart, filter caps et al are still needed. It's funny these transformers operate from either 120 or 230 vac 50/60Hz so pretty universal and only draw about 7amps each full tilt, but powering them up is hell as they pull 26amps each easily popping a 15amp CKT Breaker. Even at that if there is a minor power blip that exceeds 50msec the internal field collapses and pop goes the breaker. I designed a softstart ckt to resolve that, and it doesn't cost that much. Well the PS's themselves do cost considerably, around $400 total for two. These power two four channel power amps rated at 100w/ch x 8 channels @ 4ohms. The Amps are being derated by 50% or half power. They are actually capable of 2000w total into a 2ohm load, but the spec also puts that into the 10% distortion category, simply not going to happen, not in a high end design like this. So derating is in, fidelity is maintained and distortion is kept in check. As an added benefit they'll last longer and run cooler, without the need for fans to muck things up.
Actually one of the problems I have is that they actually work too well in the first two octave range. My testing lab, which is a small room on the back of the house would never require speakers like these, EQing them flat in here is the same as not having a sub at all, no need for it. Of course there is a door to the back yard and a deck where I do outdoor testing, where they still sound too intense in the first octave! On Veterans Day had all this mess setup outside and played Dire Straights, Brothers in Arms full blast. Had neighbors come over to hear what I was up to. Have to honor my brothers on this special day.
Oh back to that no need in this small room, DAMN Dubstep and Dance music is clean, articulate and powerful... from one little 6.5". An impressive task considering it'll play symphonic music with aplomb. A Cello sounds real, most speakers can't come close. Can only power One speaker full power or two at 1/3rd power atm. Which rather sucks, need power supplies dang it.
The full production design calls for 8 of these woofers and am considering dialing that back to just 2 per speaker, for a total of 4. I have a dozen of these woofers at my disposal.
I want my Patent more than anything, but also want to prove my theory is correct above all else. Don't need the theory for the patent, but do have peers I highly respect and for that respect to be reflected back to me is the reason to prove the theory. One of these peers now heads the engineering dept for Bose corporation as a replacement to Dr. Amar Bose whom passed three years ago.
During the years following my sons health issues abandoned all of my speaker design desires. Doctors worried that the bass ala boom boom can induce seizures. A few years ago got back into what I had missed in the 20 year absence. Rediscovering what I forgot, what has changed, and or further knowledge of what has been researched since then. This all started as a small speaker project for my son whom absolutely loves music. No risk of seizures anymore. Well my life has it's ups and downs, mostly the latter and that project never saw the light of day, despite being rather cheap for a DIY speaker project. I did set him up a small FAST system, HK receiver cheap (ebay), a Samsung tablet loaded with a mess of FLAC files, Monsoon active sub from my PC, and a couple of small modified KLH satellite speakers pulled from next to a dumpster, cheap, sounds great. It is far more capable than what he needs in a bedroom. He's a very happy camper as long as it's not on the radio. Well FM isn't the problem, it's the commercials, he HATES them and gets rather disgruntled and loud when they are on. Hence the Tablet, music all day/night without any of that. Now if I could figure out just WHY IN THE WORLD he likes to listen to P!NK all day! LOL ...he also likes Bob Segar, The CARS, Katy Perry, Billy Squire, Def Leopard and Van Halen (pretty much in that order)
Well with that dissolved (resolved?) decided it has been far too long with myself wanting something along those lines, yet a bit more capable (understatement of the year). Decided on a transmission line design of my own making, after pouring through everything I can find on the subject made one using the same inexpensive 6.5" woofer (in quantity <$20 ea). Well this project has been languishing for some time due to lack of funds, but I found something critical that was missed in the theory of how they function. Will not go into that as I am hoping to get a patent.
With that said, have built a three way utilizing the TL sub mated with a push pull planar fullrange and topped it off with an AMT Tweeter.
System is Active utilizing a miniDSP 2x4 with a 4 way plugin software control. Crossover points at 330Hz and 3300Hz. It has a frequency range of 26 ->20kHz. The AMT is capable of 30kHz plus, but is limited by the active crossover which stops at 24kHz when set to operate at 48kHz sampling rate. Analysis shows inaudible distortion pretty much across it's operating range. I am so tickled can't hold it anymore.

Everything is time aligned and or compensated via active crossover so even horizontal polar response is spot on. OMG I need cash to finish, had hoped Santa would be good to me, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. Damn it's eating at me bad. Have to finish the power supplies which use two 625va Toroid transformers. Have had these for some time, but the rest, ala softstart, filter caps et al are still needed. It's funny these transformers operate from either 120 or 230 vac 50/60Hz so pretty universal and only draw about 7amps each full tilt, but powering them up is hell as they pull 26amps each easily popping a 15amp CKT Breaker. Even at that if there is a minor power blip that exceeds 50msec the internal field collapses and pop goes the breaker. I designed a softstart ckt to resolve that, and it doesn't cost that much. Well the PS's themselves do cost considerably, around $400 total for two. These power two four channel power amps rated at 100w/ch x 8 channels @ 4ohms. The Amps are being derated by 50% or half power. They are actually capable of 2000w total into a 2ohm load, but the spec also puts that into the 10% distortion category, simply not going to happen, not in a high end design like this. So derating is in, fidelity is maintained and distortion is kept in check. As an added benefit they'll last longer and run cooler, without the need for fans to muck things up.
Actually one of the problems I have is that they actually work too well in the first two octave range. My testing lab, which is a small room on the back of the house would never require speakers like these, EQing them flat in here is the same as not having a sub at all, no need for it. Of course there is a door to the back yard and a deck where I do outdoor testing, where they still sound too intense in the first octave! On Veterans Day had all this mess setup outside and played Dire Straights, Brothers in Arms full blast. Had neighbors come over to hear what I was up to. Have to honor my brothers on this special day.
Oh back to that no need in this small room, DAMN Dubstep and Dance music is clean, articulate and powerful... from one little 6.5". An impressive task considering it'll play symphonic music with aplomb. A Cello sounds real, most speakers can't come close. Can only power One speaker full power or two at 1/3rd power atm. Which rather sucks, need power supplies dang it.
The full production design calls for 8 of these woofers and am considering dialing that back to just 2 per speaker, for a total of 4. I have a dozen of these woofers at my disposal.
I want my Patent more than anything, but also want to prove my theory is correct above all else. Don't need the theory for the patent, but do have peers I highly respect and for that respect to be reflected back to me is the reason to prove the theory. One of these peers now heads the engineering dept for Bose corporation as a replacement to Dr. Amar Bose whom passed three years ago.