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Maggi -- dont do it (leave)

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  • Maggi -- dont do it (leave)

    im actually kind of surprised. you have gotten thru worse than this and never lost your smile. you are hands down the most inspirational member of this forum and it really cant afford to lose you. this goes for the rest of the testers also (wont call ya beta boys any more). you have always been ULTRA supportive of M even when i thought they didnt deserve any support. add up the total posts of all the people who bitched in that thread and it wouldnt come to half of your total posts. this is a tough time to be supportive of M and any g200 owner with an IQ higher than room temperature should be pissed off, but at M. there is really nothing that you can do to diffuse the situation, and maybe this isnt the best time to defend their practices in the hostile threads which im sure will keep popping up until PD5 arrives.

  • #2
    I agree! I have thrown some heavy punches at Big M lately. In hindsight I'm sorry I brought fuel to the fire, because it ended up in personal attack at you. Sorry! But I have never thrown potshots at you guys, only at the people who have attacked you personally.

    We need you here, man!!!

    Everyone who feels this way, post on this thread! Bring Maggi and Joel back!!!

    If you don't feel this way or just have a load of BS to write about the boyz, you can take a hike...


    Who is General Failiure and why is he reading my drive?
    Powercolor Radeon 9700np, Asus A7N8X mobo bios ver. 1007UBER, AthlonXP2800+@3200+ (200 Mhz fsb, 2.2 Ghz) on TT Silent Storm, 2*256Mb Kingston HyperX PC3500 DDR-RAM, 19" Samsung 959NF monitor, Pioneer A04 DVD-RW, Two WD800 80 GB HDD's, IBM Deskstar 40 GB


    • #3
      Maggi don't leave

      Being a bit of a masochist I get my pervy kicks out of being pissed off at your amazing benchmarks. If you leave who could fill your shoes???

      The thought of someday beating one of your benchmarks or coming up with a config tweak that you haven't thought of keeps me going. Without you I'd just waste away.

      We should start up a Maggi appreciation society right here. Let's all begin by replacing that boring Windows wallpaper with something more apt:

      Let's also think up a suitable name for the fan club... (let the fun begin hehe)

      Seriously, there was no sarcasm above. You play a great part in this forum - keep on contributing Markus. You too Joel.



      • #4
        Hallo Markus!

        Was ist denn das jetzt!!!??? Kannst doch nicht all uns anderen im stich lassen - oder?

        Simply stay!


        P.S. I'll even buy you a Tuborg!

        HBS - ASUS P2B-S, PII 350MHz(o/c to 392MHz), Mill. G200, 128MB RAM, Cheetah 9.1GB, Plextor 32x CD-Rom, Sony CD-R, Canon Scanner - all SCSI.

        ASUS P2B-S, PIII-550 (o/c to 565MHz), 512MB RAM, Seagate X15 & Cheetah XL, Matrox Mill. G200SG, SB LivePlayer, Plextor 32x CD-Rom, PlexWriter PX-R820T CD-R, Canon BJC-7000 InkJet, OkiPage 4W Laser and Canon CanoScan 300 Scanner.


        • #5
          Thanx Dudes !

          You guys just rock

          The point is that I'm so fed up with those ****ing ****oles that can nothing but complaining and crying ...

          I simply cannot stand it and I take it personal when someone refuses my input and instead keeps on repeating the same rotten story that we all heard before and most of us also have experienced.

          I am a helpful person - no doubt about that - and I wanted to give some feedback on the drivers that are in the work ... naturally I cannot report any bugs, glitches or flaws according to any Matrox product, because I'd loose my 'privilege' of beta testing. Thus I was only able to say positive things about the ongoing.

          Obviously this with misinterpreted as me being 'uncritical', 'unbalanced', 'biased' and whatsoever ... last time: I'M NOT !!!

          This forum has become somehow an addiction to me, I'm here about 5 days a week, 10 hours a day, not constantly monitoring, but any time I can afford ... I don't even take lunch breaks (seriously), just because this community is so cool !

          However, I decided to hit the brakes and stay out of here for a while for obviuos reasons. Sorry that the wrong guys have to bear what some ****oles have done.

          I won't show as much presence as I did before, and I swear: 'No more input on any beta stuff !', but of course I'll be watching you folks and every once in a while I'll pop in, either for sharing some thoughts/fun or when someone really deserves some help.

          I think it would have been another story if any of those whiners would have regreted or even excused for their personal attacks ... but that didn't happen.

          So long guys ...


          Asus P2B-S @ 112MHz FSB * Celeron300A @ 504MHz
          Heavily boosted by the Millenium G400 32MB SGRAM DualHead


          • #6
            Aw Maggers, You get back here right now. Your hooked on the Forum just like the rest of us

            I think in the future we should just ignore certain threads posted by "Whining ****oles" and just let them fall to the bottom of the que.
            Come on Maggers we really love ya man, I'll even give you my Bud light. Come on Maggers you'll go through horrible withdrawl symptoms before a day passes.

            "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


            • #7
              Awwww Mags! You're one of the best reasons to come to this forum. You really tend to go out of your way to give help/advice when you can. I'm sorry that these morons feel it's necessary to flame you for sticking to your NDA. They must not understand that you're giving the input M needed and should've got for the G200. They want to get the G400 right this time, so they went to the users for input. They can't give everyone a test board (unfortunately ), but they picked out the best in this board and awarded them the chance to have their input heard, exclusively. This allows them to make a better product. Too bad these idiots can't handle/understand that. Don't stay away too long. Your input will be missed.

              Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.


              • #8
                I think that until the final release of the g400 you (beta-tester) shouldn't give anymore info, it's sure you'll get flame, because
                a) you can't give enough to people
                b)you'll never satisfy each personnal question about this or that detail
                c)you gonna get confused with Matrox awful customer service and get what they deserve but not you...
                d)there will be benchmark all over the web which will tell the opposite of what you might be telling us (hardware/drivers/system issue) and they gonna tell you lie or you're Matrox-men
                e) that you want it or not, you raise people speculation (and hype) of what will be the card
                Most of all when the final product will eventually come out, some people will tell that you mislead them for their preordering and that the performance is not on par with what you said (even if you don't give numbers).
                So basically you are in a no-win situation, so I think (it's only an opinion) that you should do your things and not give input to people for the reasons I mentionned earlier.

                Let Matrox do the PR, if they chose not to do it, then let them burned themselves, presently you get burned for them and don't deserve it. If they chose to not give their latest drivers to reviewers, and finished almost last, it's THEIR problems and THEY should go out there to tell it to the mob, not leaving their beta-tester do it for them, WTF is that policy ??? I know they don't actually ask you that, but I'm sure they are quite happy to see you in this forum doing it and even on other forum like I saw Kruzin doing it.

                Just my opinion


                Athlon64 4800+
                Asus A8N deluxe
                2 gig munchkin ddr 500
                eVGA 7800 gtx 512 in SLI
                X-Fi Fatality
                HP w2207


                • #9
                  I really hope you deside to stay Maggi, because you guys that are trying to help the others are already too few.
                  You guys are the weight on the positive side of the scale, while all the "whiners" is on the negative side. If you go, I'm afraid the scale will tip toward the negative side, and what do we have then, a Matrox "whiner" forum. So please help this forum to stay positive so the "good force" wins over the "dark side". I know it's hard, but in the end we will win.

                  (I'm sure the reason why Maggi won't be here so often is that he's to busy playing with his newest toy (G400) )
                  P4 1.8N, 512 mb RDRam, Abit TH7 II-Raid, 60 GB Seagate IV Barracuda, SB Audigy, ATI Radeon 8500, ...


                  • #10
                    Hi Markus,

                    obwohl ich nun den Wirbel um Matrox seit August letzten Jahres verfolge, habe ich nicht ernsthaft angenommen, daß irgendeinem von Euch eines Tages wirklich der Geduldsfaden reißen könnte.

                    Daß ihr Euch, Du und Joel, zu so einem Schritt entschlossen habt finde ich sehr schade, da ihr wirklich eine riesen Bereicherung für dieses Forum gewesen seid. Und *DANKE* auch an Dich persönlich nochmal für den Support, den Du mir zukommen hast lassen.

                    Zu der ganzen Geschichte möchte ich abschließend nur noch zwei Dinge anmerken:

                    1. Misgünstlinge, Neider, kleine Kinder im Erwachsenenalter, Dauernögler, denen man es nie recht machen kann sowie ein paar andere vollgeschissene Strümpfe gibts überall. Über solche Leute sollte man am Besten einfach hinwegsehen, da eine Diskussion auf dieser Basis von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt ist. Deshalb kann ich mich nur Ant`s Aufruf anschließen, nicht alles persönlich zu nehmen oder noch besser einige ausgewählte "Kritiker" zu ignorieren. Ein sachlich argumentativer Diskussionsstil kann gegen geballten Frust und blanke Dummheit nichts ausrichten.

                    2. Jedoch kann ich nicht verleugnen, daß Ihr mein vollstes Verständnis für diesen Schritt habt. Alles hat seine Grenzen...

                    Viele Grüße

                    P.S.: Hoffentlich hältst Du es nicht all zu lange ohne uns aus ... :-)

                    ASUS P2B, Celeron 266@412 MHz, 128 MB PC100, Diamond Viper 550 16 MB AGP, IBM DHEA 6,4 GB U-ATA, SB 16 & Yamaha XG Wavetable, Mitsumi CR-4801TE, Pioneer 36x slot-in, Iiyama Vision Master Pro 400.
                    <font size="1">
                    Celeron II 700 @ 1,1 GHz
                    ASUS CUSL2-C, Bios 1009 final
                    Alpha 6035MFC, 60 -> 80mm adapter
                    2 x 80mm Papst Cooler 19/12dB
                    256 MB PC133 Crucial 7E (CAS2)
                    Maxtor Diamond MAX VL40
                    ATI Radeon 8500 64MB @ Catalyst 3.0
                    Hauppauge WinTV TV-Card
                    Iiyama Vision Master Pro 400
                    Plustek Optic Pro U12B
                    HP Deskjet 959C
                    Plantronics LS1 Headset
                    all on W2k Professional SP2


                    • #11
                      Babelfish, REALLY struggled there, but I got it, I think.

                      From what I gather, MK's right there - don't stay away too long, and everything has it's limits.....

                      It's Only A Graphics Card!
                      (But a damn good 'un!)


                      • #12

                        What was that quote from a dying Spock in one of the Star Trek movies - "The need of the many outweigh the need of the one" - I almost cried at that point too.

                        Give me some of your cheek cells and I'll clone another Maggi in my lab for the Forum - it won't be the same without one.

                        You will be coming back after the beta drivers etc are finalised and on general release though?

                        Sorry to see you go.



                        • #13
                          You know what I said Maggi...

                          I'm pleased you can smile again

                          But as all the others say, don't go... at least not with a goodbye party !!

                          Beer's on me, okay? Heyheyhey, for Maggi and all the other testers going in hiding as well!!

                          Jorden, who's got friends enough...


                          • #14
                            Maggers, get back here. Look at this!!! There are people posting on this thread that we haven't heard from in awhile.

                            "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                            • #15
                              Hi Guys !

                              I'm not that far away

                              I apreciate this a lot !

                              I see you guys in here ... sooner or later ... promise !


                              Asus P2B-S @ 112MHz FSB * Celeron300A @ 504MHz
                              Heavily boosted by the Millenium G400 32MB SGRAM DualHead

