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Visual Artifacts w/ EMBM - iXBT Review

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  • Visual Artifacts w/ EMBM - iXBT Review


    Quake II scores seem still to be laging behind the rest of the pack, not sure what
    drivers he was using and its only the G400 not the Max.

    One other worrying little snippet is the EMBM shots with the Green Surface which shows some visual wierdness? Any theories?

    Also can we expect the G400Max to pick up with the Q2 scores, I mean everyone says forget about Low Res, but for online deathmatch Low Res usually gives you the best edge. I personaly want quick Low res and High res scores..



  • #2
    Yes, I am not sure how technical you want me to be but i'll try and briefly explain to you what is going on. Those artifacts are there due of lack mip-mapping. The engine does support mip-mapping if you turn on switch for trilinear before you start the demo. Apparently the editor didn't choose trilinear which is why you see those artifacts. This has nothing to do with embm, any game would result in this if mip-mapping was not enabled or didn't support it. A good example to try is Quake 3 or Quake 2, fiddle with the key:
    gl_texturemode and you will be able to switch between:
    bilinear, bilinear with mip-mapping and trilinear. If you still have no idea what is mip-mapping, take a look <a href=''>here</A> for a detailed explanation,


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    "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."

