ok im running a p2 350 at 450 on a abit bh6 cpu is unlocked and is clocked 4.5 x 100hz the pci agp bus is set at 2/3 to keep it in spec. the core volt on cpu is 2.1 every thing is rock stable i can't make this thing lock up.
any time i try and make this thing run above 100hz bus speed ie 104 turbo or higher i get random errors in ie and some other probrams.
heres my system settings / specs any ideas would be of help.
main board abit bh6
cpu p2 350 heatsink w/fan and sink compound
196meg sdram all nec w/ nec pcb's pc 100 (128 meg and 64meg
maxtor 7200 rpm 2500+ 10gig hard drive
linksys pci 10/100 net card.
agp voodoo 3 2000 (JUST PLACE HOLDING FOR G400)
cl 5x dvd drive
external 3com us robotics v90 56k modem
case temp has never goten higher than 30 deg. c and runs 28 normal.
cooling is 1 60mm cpu fan 5000rpm
2 80 case fans one intake botom frount and one card cooler 3500 rpm
1 90mm exhuast power supply fan.
other notes: ultra dma is on in bios, windows dma box is checked, hard drive cable is 80 wire grounded ata 66 spec and is master, dvd drive is on secondary ied and is master.
no other compnet other than the cpu is over clocked.
I spend way too much time and money on my 3 systems, and I can't spell worth a dam either
any time i try and make this thing run above 100hz bus speed ie 104 turbo or higher i get random errors in ie and some other probrams.
heres my system settings / specs any ideas would be of help.
main board abit bh6
cpu p2 350 heatsink w/fan and sink compound
196meg sdram all nec w/ nec pcb's pc 100 (128 meg and 64meg
maxtor 7200 rpm 2500+ 10gig hard drive
linksys pci 10/100 net card.
agp voodoo 3 2000 (JUST PLACE HOLDING FOR G400)
cl 5x dvd drive
external 3com us robotics v90 56k modem
case temp has never goten higher than 30 deg. c and runs 28 normal.
cooling is 1 60mm cpu fan 5000rpm
2 80 case fans one intake botom frount and one card cooler 3500 rpm
1 90mm exhuast power supply fan.
other notes: ultra dma is on in bios, windows dma box is checked, hard drive cable is 80 wire grounded ata 66 spec and is master, dvd drive is on secondary ied and is master.
no other compnet other than the cpu is over clocked.
I spend way too much time and money on my 3 systems, and I can't spell worth a dam either
