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preorder now for

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  • preorder now for

    hey matrox just started preordering for g800 to be released 4 month's from now but due to unexpeced delays they will bank you money and send the card to you in a years time. with the money they make from intrest the owner and board members will relax in the caman ilands 3 month's.

    beating your head agains a wall burns 150 cal/per hour but really isn't a good weight loss plan.
    waiting for g400 to show up can be painfull. i don't have a warped mind do i?


    [This message has been edited by merchant2 (edited 07-05-99).]

  • #2
    You know what....I have a better idea..why don't we just give Matrox our credit card..and what ever amount of money they think they might need for ohhhh..a new chair, a new car, a new computer, a new paper weight...why don't they just charge it and call it a G400 Max...I don't think I'd notice any difference from the current situation.


    • #3
      hehe. Well you losers can keep on talking about your delayed G400 Max's and G800's - I got me an order in for a gen-you-ine Matrox G1600 Mega!.

      Placed an online order for one (damn pop-ups with all those porn sites). Coming straight from a sweat-shop somewhere in SE-Asia (forget the zip code). The webpage says it's 3DMark99 benchmark is >16,000. Kick ass!

      I ain't telling you where the page is as too many orders will delay it's delivery to my hot hands. According to the site I should get it in two weeks. They've debited my credit card already though. $1000.00 seems about right for a card with that sort of performance wouldn't you say..? Guys?



      • #4
        Nothing wrong with warped, Noel. We have an old proverb in England, which goes like this:

        "A stitch in time saves nine".

        Obviously this is total s**t, so we've updated it for the new millenium:

        "A stitch-up, in time, saves $9m interest for Matrox"

        DISCLAIMER: I'm not whining about Matrox, I accepted a risk when pre-ordering a card. However, I do feel that lashing out £150 early entitles me to exercise my sense of humour.

        Here are other examples, assembled with the help of similarly-afflicted colleagues:

        "Never count your Matrox before they patch (the drivers)"
        "A review a day keeps the G400 away"
        "A Virge in the hand is worth two on order" (perhaps not)
        "Don't put all your eggs in one basket-case company"
        "Thursday's card is full of pace" (pity it's delivered on Sunday)
        "Home is where part is" (if only)

        I hope this thread remains light-hearted.


        • #5
          the year is 2035, The world as we know it is long gone. the canadan graphics company matrox useing revenues generated by the presale of thire video card's to the masses, secretly finaced the largest and most advanced millitary force know to man. quickly infilterateing the nations of the world useing the shipping chanles that should have brought thire latest creation the G1200 to happy quake 14 players. matrox forces were able to take control of 99.9 percent of all major and minor government's. with the last .1 percent expected to fall in the next day or 2. in other news matrox reports that plans for the g1200 have been stolen by a rival company, witch is why the g1200 shipping has been delayed for anther 2 weeks. preorders are now being acpted for the g2400 in witch the revenuse generated will be used to finace the colinizeion the moon, and to over devlop 3rd world contrys.

          Waiting for g400 to show up, while i go slowly insane. I don't have a warped mind do i?


          [This message has been edited by merchant2 (edited 07-05-99).]

