Well I tried the new uninstaller and it worked fine. But when I reinstalled PD5 I got the same problems: several BSODs, and a freeze on every restart/shutdown; which means I can't reconfigure anything which requires a restart
I realize this isn't as bad as the problems some other people are/were having (games work fine, in fact better, for me with PD5) but an unstable machine is just too frustrating.
So I switched back to 4.51 and everthing's peachy keen again, though I'm still wishing I could have all the joys of PD5, e.g. a smoother NFS4, Roge Squadron in 1280X1024, no graphical glitches in FFVII, and superb Opengl performance in Quake II.
Did anyone get there problems fixed with the new uninstaller?
AMD k6-2 350 64M SDRAM Millienium G200 AGP 8M
40X CD-ROM drive
8.4G Maxtor HD
56k Rockwell
17" monitor

I realize this isn't as bad as the problems some other people are/were having (games work fine, in fact better, for me with PD5) but an unstable machine is just too frustrating.
So I switched back to 4.51 and everthing's peachy keen again, though I'm still wishing I could have all the joys of PD5, e.g. a smoother NFS4, Roge Squadron in 1280X1024, no graphical glitches in FFVII, and superb Opengl performance in Quake II.
Did anyone get there problems fixed with the new uninstaller?
AMD k6-2 350 64M SDRAM Millienium G200 AGP 8M
40X CD-ROM drive
8.4G Maxtor HD
56k Rockwell
17" monitor