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Well, who *else* would I tell?

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  • Well, who *else* would I tell?

    I can't believe it!! After 6 months of waiting for the new drivers and a final ICD, they finally come out--and I'm DOWN! DOWN DOWN DOWN NO PC!!! AAAAARGH!!!!

    Damn my geekish upgrading gone awry! Damn my goodheartedness in giving my roomie my PC to use since the upgrade for her (cringe) 6x86L PR-166+ went awry (see above). Oh, just dammitall and be done with it. Bah!!

    who would normally have a: Soyo 5EMA, K6-2 333 not o/c, 256MB PC100--tee hee!, Millennium G200 8MB SGRAM, Win98, but at the moment has nothing because she likes everyone to have a nice PC, and can't stand for her roomie to carp if she screws up so gives her her own, and you see she's paying the price for her well-intentioned if slightly inept technical kindness....


    "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
    -Jay Bulworth

  • #2
    Now what is few weeks after 6 months..
    You just take it like a man.


    Excel 7.0, Winamp 2.23, Adobe Acrobat 4.0, QuickTime 4


    • #3
      LOL! This is funny
      Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


      • #4
        Yeah, thanks a *lot* Buuri . Wanna send me your works so I can follow your advice (maybe you're spending so much time on the forum you're not using 'em )? Aaah, forget it...I'll just take it like a *geek* (which is to say, badly, with lots of snarling, screaming, and wailing...and really, I think this deserves the full-blown, flinging-myself-to-the-floor-and-kicking type tantrum...'cept the last time I tried that, I really hurt my foot (out of practice)...maybe I'll skip that part...

        Oooh Chuck, that's kinda gotta hurt. You're a strong guy, willingly sending the G200 out *after* installing the new drivers but before you get your G400 (instead of just sending your cousin the V3 like us norm....I mean, evil people). I'm sure these rumours about the release being pushed back to some incredible date aren't true....Thanks for giving me someone else to sympathize with (instead of feeling sorry for myself).

        I knew I was right to tell you-all. I love this forum!!

        who will be spending the long weekend getting her roomie's new (in a way) K6-266 (be quiet, she doesn't play games!well, not like Half-Life, anyway) to work so she can reclaim her: Soyo 5EMA, K6-2 333 not o/c, 256MB PC100--tee hee!, Millennium G200 8MB SGRAM, Win98. Unless I just cede the MB and CPU and build myself a Celery (just about had it with the SS7 chipset and too broke for a K7 , especially if I intend to get a G400--and I do).

        [This message has been edited by motub (edited 07-02-99).]

        "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
        -Jay Bulworth


        • #5
          Go for the Celery motub!
          Abit BH6 + 333@500mz + Case + shipping = $300
          Like butta!



          • #6
            I have have been waiting for th G400 and the ICD like everyone else. I have also been building a computer for my cousin. My intention was to put my G200 in his computer when I got the G400. I ran out of time so I bought a V3-2000 PCI for my nephew, put it in my computer, built the cousins computer with my G200, and put it in its box to send to Dallas.
            10 minutes (!) after I sealed the box I logged on to the forum to be greated by the news that PD5 was out. Open came the box, re-setup to my ISP, down loaded the driver, install - COOOOL. - Back in the box & off it goes.
            Now I can't play with PD5 & the new ICD until the G400 MAX gets shipped (I just got paid for the 411 hours of overtime I have worked since 01/01/99 so I will treat myself to a MAX -- IF M WILL FINALY TURN LOOSE OF THEM HAIG!!!!!!!!)
            Thanks for listening,



            • #7
              cjolley, you are a wise person, and I am strongly leaning towards following your advice ("Like butta", huh? Plus it gives me a whole new group a'chipsets to experience...)

              It's just that 1) $300 is more than 1/2 the price of an Athlon and I so want to be on the bleeding edge just once, and 2)it'll delay me getting the G400Max even beyond this hideous new release date (although with the new G200 drivers, I may not be so upset about that..)

              I'll probably do this o/c thing really as easy as it sounds (I'm recovering from a failure, after all, so I'm not my usual overconfident self..)?

              who will be spending the long weekend getting her roomie's new (in a way) K6-266 (be quiet, she doesn't play games! well, not like Half-Life, anyway) to work so she can reclaim her: Soyo 5EMA, K6-2 333 not o/c, 256MB PC100--tee hee!, Millennium G200 8MB SGRAM, Win98. Unless I just cede the MB and CPU and build myself a Celery (just about had it with the SS7 chipset and too broke for a K7 , especially if I intend to get a G400--and I do).

              [This message has been edited by motub (edited 07-03-99).]

              "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
              -Jay Bulworth


              • #8
                For those of uou who kindly lent me moral support during this 'crisis'---thanks!! Im, back, live and dl-ing the new drivers right now!! Woohoo!! Half-Life and SiN tonite, for sure!! Yeeeeeehai!!!!

                who successfully spent the long weekend getting her roomie's new (in a way) K6-266 (be quiet, she doesn't play games! well, not like Half-Life, anyway) to work so she could reclaim her: Soyo 5EMA, K6-2 333 not o/c, 256MB PC100--tee hee!, Millennium G200 8MB SGRAM, Win98. Sorry boys ('n girls), no Celery for me..I'm saving for that G400/Athlon rig (drool,pant, drool... )

                [This message has been edited by motub (edited 07-05-99).]

                "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
                -Jay Bulworth


                • #9
                  Congrats Holly,

                  if us boys can't morally help the few girls amongst us fori-mates, where would we be then?

                  Jorden, happy with pd5.13, unhappy for he can't play Need for Speed: High Stakes nomore... sobb


                  • #10

                    I downloaded NFS:HS the other night and it works great. What't the problem you are running into? BTW-The game is awesome!

                    Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                    • #11
                      Nice going Holly, you made it!

                      Dave, I think NFS:HS is ugly and way too easy. (I base my opinion on the free demo version)


                      Excel 7.0, Winamp 2.23, Adobe Acrobat 4.0, QuickTime 4


                      • #12
                        Buuri, and anyone else who'll listen.

                        NFSHS is not easy. OK, so it's not the hardest or most realistic game by any stretch of the imagination, it is a fun game, and hooly dooly, if those graphics don't float your boat, I guess you need to join the navy!

                        A dead set HOT game, I can't tell ya what it's like under a G200, but I run it at 800x600 on my V3, 1024x768 look cleaner but it frames up a bit when you drive through smoke etc. I'm ploughing my way through the career mode, very kewl

                        Dave K
                        Agent. Copyright © 1998-99 Agent. All rights reserved.


                        • #13
                          There was no settings for game difficulty level in demo version, but the one it had was easy. There were 3 other cars, and I won the 2 laps race on the 3rd try!

                          The track was beatiful but it had practically no hard curves where one was supposed to ease a bit. And it probably didn't help that car acted like it was running on trails.

                          And about how good it looked.. Those 'clouds of dirt' that the car produced while of the road looked like sprites from an Amiga game!

                          Just my opinion - we can discuss this further in the Gaming section if you insist.


                          Excel 7.0, Winamp 2.23, Adobe Acrobat 4.0, QuickTime 4

