It seems 80fps is low for a V2 SLI setup at 800x600 on your system of a PIII-560mhz. Considering the fill rate is 366mega.
I'm pulling 95.1 fps on a V3 3000 with a fillrate of 333mega on a PIII-581mhz at 1024x768. If I did the time demo in 800x600. I can pull 120+ fps.
I guess it just seems 80mhz seems a tad low for the calibur of system you have.. Just my two cents.
I'm pulling 95.1 fps on a V3 3000 with a fillrate of 333mega on a PIII-581mhz at 1024x768. If I did the time demo in 800x600. I can pull 120+ fps.
I guess it just seems 80mhz seems a tad low for the calibur of system you have.. Just my two cents.