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A response from Matrox re: G400 Max

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  • #16
    Burri and Everyone,

    I specifically called Matrox and made absolutely sure that I could get a full refund without any penalty. They assured me and I check Matrox's pages for anything otherwise. So, my thinking is that if the G400 Max isn't in my hands by July 31st then I will get a refund and take my next option. Hope this helps anyone who is considering purchasing through Matrox.

    Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


    • #17
      I'm puzzled... why do you think you've "given in" when ordering a G400MAX? Thanks to these forums you are making an informed decision based on information shared by those who have already pre-ordered, and those who have queried Matrox on release dates. Nobody is forcing you to order.

      We're not really helping matters by bombarding the poor front-line people. They have no control over the situation. If you feel so strongly, maybe the Corporate Headquarters is a better email target... I think that's

      What scares me a little is that Big M have been very secretive about clock speeds, and that maybe they'll reduce these speeds to improve MAX yields.

      Somebody tell me I'm being paranoid, please!


      • #18
        I've now received an email reply from Matrox Customer Support about my MAX. Although general in content (it applies to all MAX orders), it does have a bit of bad news for international orders (like mine):

        "For our international orders, we will be sending batches of G400 graphics cards to our Dublin distribution warehouse in Ireland. They will expedite your order via DHL Express.

        To account for the overseas shipping required, there will be an additional one week delay. You will receive an email, when we are ready to ship, advising you of the shipping charges."

        The email also states that Matrox are doing their utmost to meet their commitment for pre-orders placed prior to June 11th... I assume that is the 3-4 week commitment (not including the week your card goes on a world tour for a week!)

        The response also says, "Please note that for all customers who ordered after June 11, your ship date of 5 to 6 weeks is still in effect." There are two conclusions I draw from this statement:

        1. Either revised ship-dates for pre-orders placed after 11th June have not been fixed, and won't be until much of the previous pre-orders have been satisfied, or that production is expected to catch up with pre-order demand.

        2. As I ordered before 11th June this email therefore contains details not relevant to my pre-order. I hope that this more general approach will lead to proactive mailshots, instead of individual responses.

        In the meantime, I have an observation to make. While the Beta Boys were raving about the visual quality & performance of the G400, people were generally complaining less - maybe it helped to take their minds off the date!



        • #19
          Hey Morg err...Tim. I think you misunderstood what I meant when I said that I finally gave in and ordered a MAX from Matrox. You are right, nobody is forcing me to order one. What I mean is that I was trying very hard not to order from Matrox because their prices are higher than let's say... Buycomp's. On the first day they said they were taking pre-orders, I said to myself that I wouldn't order from them because of the price. I also thought that retailers would have them in mid-June like Matrox said. Of course you know that it never went to retailers in mid-June. Now that I hear places are getting the vanilla version, I was tempted to get one from them. Again I resisted because I wanted a MAX. After Helevitia(actually Matrox) said that if I ordered a MAX right now from Matrox, I might still get it by end of July. So I finally gave in and ordered from Matrox even though the price is higher. This contridicts what I originally said to myself. Do you understand now?


          • #20
            Well . . .
            After all that, I DID cancel my order at And I ordered from Matrox. All I ever wanted was a straight answer - and a card within a couple of weeks of the promised ship date. Sheesh.

