I have Viewsonic PT795 and am getting some distortion...before I return it I need to check with someone else who has a PT795 also..that way I can be sure it a defect and not just me being picky. So this doesn't seem to off base, my new G400 Max should work quite well in my new 19" Viewsonic PT795...when it gets here.
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Viewsonic PT795......who has one?
Hquervo, I have ViewSonic PT775 (17") and I get some really tiny blurry patches, but the rest of the screen is as sharp as an LCD display right up to 1600x1200@75Hz. What kind of distortion are you talking about? misconvergence? irregular lines?
Agent. Copyright © 1998-99 Agent. All rights reserved.
Hey for you people that have 19" monitors. Do you have two damper wires on it? They are like two thin lines running horizontally across the screen. My radius monitor has them and they are annoying as hell. I just wanted to know if all 19" monitors has this or just the ones that have a trinitron tube.
[This message has been edited by Kooguy (edited 07-07-99).]
Just Trinitron (and one-offs, and similar technology...) but the good news is you really do get used to it after a while. I don't even notice them on my Viewsonic GT775 anymore.
- Gurm
The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
Hquervo - It is unusual to get not-square corners on any aperture grille screen, but I'd try another vid card before returning the monitor.
Everyone - Yes, the two tension wires are one of the downsides to the aperture grille technology, however, compare any AG screen to a standard shadow mask and you'll soon get over those little lines!
Celeron 300A @ 464, BH6(KG), 128MB Corsair CAS2 PC100, Voodoo3 3000 (166), SBLive!Value, 4.3GB + 8.4GB Fireball CRs, 10Mb Netgear NIC, Internal ZIP100, ViewSonic PT775
Agent. Copyright © 1998-99 Agent. All rights reserved.
Thank you AZVato.. I can't believe that a monitor that cost this much...and got such awesome reviews could have an inherant screw up like this.. To sell the monitor as perfectly flat and professional and for CAD users is a failure on Viewsonic's part. I guess even good companies like Viewsonic can screw up too...just like Matrox. With all the technology they can't make a frikin monitor with 90deg, horizontal lines and vertical lines... isn't that what a good monitor should be?