I finally got the bloody thing working. I went back to the 4.whatever drivers included on the CD (4.11?). Also had to reformat and reinstall Win98. What a joy.
Anyway, I finally got Quake 2 working..and its eems to run pretty decent (39 FPS @ 1152x864). Only problem is, edges in all games (not just Quake 2 based stuff) are horribly jaggy. I would think this has something to do with antialiasing, but what the heck do I do to fix it? All the eye candy in Mechwarrior kinda is cancelled out by the ugly jaggies.
Anyone have any ideas?
Cel 448/128MB/MX300/G400
Anyway, I finally got Quake 2 working..and its eems to run pretty decent (39 FPS @ 1152x864). Only problem is, edges in all games (not just Quake 2 based stuff) are horribly jaggy. I would think this has something to do with antialiasing, but what the heck do I do to fix it? All the eye candy in Mechwarrior kinda is cancelled out by the ugly jaggies.
Anyone have any ideas?
Cel 448/128MB/MX300/G400