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G400 and others User Review on P3 580

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  • G400 and others User Review on P3 580

    Tried a few cards, here's my results.
    These are personal opinions, based on observations from my machine only.

    Called local pc dealer in Alberta, Canada last week, he mentioned OEM G400's had just arrived. I went down and picked one up. It was a G400 32 Meg OEM single head, came with a single install CD.

    Here's my test system:
    P3-450 o/c 580
    256Megs PC125 Micron Ram
    Abit Bx6r2
    WD HD
    Sony 20se2 Monitor

    Here's my test results. I used the latest drivers for each that were on the net.

    3D MARK Scores:
    CARD 3D Mark 99 Max
    G400SH (125/166) 5601
    G400SH (???/175) 5632
    V3-3000 (175) 5685
    V770Ultra (170/195) 5714
    CL TNT2U (180/205) 5793
    The G400 surprised me indeed, can't wait to see a Max in the machine, the plain single head is right up with the big boys! Used powerstrip to overclock its memory to 175, that's all that was adjustable. Any memory speed above caused lock ups.

    2D Sharpness - G400 was good, but with all the hype I had hoped for more. The best in the group goes to the V770U and the G400, hard to tell the difference at 1152x864 and below. G400 wins out at higher resolutions. I prefer a very sharp image, and wouldn't use any of the cards at higher than 1152x864. V3-3000 was close to the top 2, and the CL TNT2U was poor even at 1152x864.

    2D Color - Nothing close to the G400, TNT2's 2nd and V3 third. The G400's was very impressive to use with soft DVD and browsing the net.

    3D Games -
    FS98 FSBench
    G400 66.7 Smooth, beautiful colors, no pauses
    V3-3000 77.4 fastest, but pauses
    TNT2U's both smooth speed similar to G400.

    No benchmark here I am aware of, just comments on color, the G400 really impressed, all cards are fast and smooth in the game. But color, the G400 knows how.

    Combat Flight Sim - All cards run at similar speeds, V3 was fastest, G400 had again the best color.

    Open GL - Sorry no testing here, not into 1st person shooters.

    Driver Comments:
    All drivers were stable in 2d and 3d. The only bugs I encountered were with the G400 set, but they were minor like the having the wrong refresh rate displayed, easily fixed my resetting it and when switching resoltions, the screen changes were not clean.

    Cost Canadian Dollars:
    G400SH32 OEM $249
    V3-3000 Retail $249
    CL TNT2U Retail $309
    V770U Retail $349

    Overall Comments:
    All the cards are impressive compared to what was out just a short time ago. Seeing the G400 SH made me feel if the MAX was available or even a dual head regular G400, it would be my choice. The color, sharpness and speed combination beats all others. If you can wait, wait, but who knows what other choices will be by the time the wait is over.

    If you are buying now and can't find the above..., either a G400SH or V770Ultra is a good bet.

    You shouldn't be disappointed by any of the cards tested. Thanks for reading.

  • #2
    Hey, where in Alberta are you from?...Liked your review...I'm waiting for the G400Max myself...I agree that it's an impressive card


    • #3
      What ype of cooling did you use to get your P3-450 to run at 580? I'm interested in going to about 500, maybe a bit more with my 450

      My Packurd bell 166Megahurtz runnin at 233 on a ABIT ITH5 muther board,
      128MB EDO ECC RAM and a hole bunch of other cool stuff.


      • #4
        To the 1st reply I'm located near Calgary...

        And to the second.., I did not need any special cooling to run my retail P3-450 at 580 and at it's default voltage. Just used Intel's fan and heatsink that was attached to the chip.

        The P3-450 over clocked very easy. Never had a lock up since I set it up at 580. I tried 133x4.5=600, it would lock up during the Win98 boot process. I read on the Net others have had success with 600+ using the OEM chip and a user supplied fan. 600 sounds nice but the difference between it and 580 is too small for me to change the cooling system.

        I'm using an Abit Bx6r2 board @ 4.5x129 and a 1/4 PCI bus divider, with Micron PC125 ram, Micron now has PC133 available. Works well at 129 as the PCI bus runs at 32.24 just shy of it's spec of 33, so all my PCI cards and HD's run fine.

        Also, had no problems with the AGP port at 89Mhz using any card I tried.

        It's not often one can have a PC running faster than Intel's fastest processor.


        • #5

          Glad to hear you've had good luck with your system as well. Same rig as mine, 'cept I have PC100 (using 6NS chips ) running in mine. I'm thinking about getting PC133 just so's I can try it out. The extra 4 x 4.5 or 18Mhz may not seem like much, but change the PCI Bus from 32.25 to 33.25 (1Million extra cycles a second), and the AGP Bus from 86Mhz ((129 / 3) * 2) to 89Mhz ((133 / 3) * 2) that's an extra 3Million cycles a second.

          May not seem like much these days, but I can remember a time when users spent hours with a soldering iron (gas or battery powered) to hook up a new clock crystal to eek out a lowly 1 or 2 Mhz for the whole system. Which on a 10Mhz system was a wapping 10 to 20% increase in performance - if your processor or ram could take it that is....

          Anyway, glad to hear about your good experience OC'ing.. Gotta like those ABit boards - even when they Roast - as SteveC showed us a few weeks back.....

          Take Care - don't try roasting any marshmallows over your CPU...

          Gaming Rig.

          - Gigabyte GA-7N400-Pro
          - AMD Athlon 3200+ XP
          - 1.5GB Dual Channel DDR 433Mhz SDRAM
          - 6.1 Digital Audio
          - Gigabit Lan (Linksys 1032)
          - 4 x 120GB SATA Drives, RAID 0+1 (Striped/Mirrored)
          - Sony DRU-500A DVD/+/-/R/RW
          - Creative 8x DVD-ROM
          - LS120 IDE Floppy
          - Zip 100 IDE
          - PNY Ultra 5900 (256MB)
          - NEC FE950
          - DTT2500 Cambridge Soundworks


          • #6
            Can anyone tell me how to see what my PCI bus speed is? Thanks in advance.


            • #7
              What kind of mobo KooGuy?

              If it's SS7 based - then it's probably a fixed percentage (1/3) or (1/4) of the FSB. My old Epox MVP3C and MVP3G were fixed at 1/3, so increasing the FSB didn't work very well.
              If it's an Intel based (later model) like the BX chipset then there is a setable divisor depending on your FSB setting. 100Mhz with 1/3 = 33Mhz. 112 with 1/3 = 37.333. 112 with 1/4 = 28.... You get the idea.

              This is how we get higher overall system speeds with clock-locked PII&III processors. Got my PC133SDRAM ordered last night. Should be @ 600Mhz by the end of the week...

              [This message has been edited by Guyver (edited 07-13-99).]
              Gaming Rig.

              - Gigabyte GA-7N400-Pro
              - AMD Athlon 3200+ XP
              - 1.5GB Dual Channel DDR 433Mhz SDRAM
              - 6.1 Digital Audio
              - Gigabit Lan (Linksys 1032)
              - 4 x 120GB SATA Drives, RAID 0+1 (Striped/Mirrored)
              - Sony DRU-500A DVD/+/-/R/RW
              - Creative 8x DVD-ROM
              - LS120 IDE Floppy
              - Zip 100 IDE
              - PNY Ultra 5900 (256MB)
              - NEC FE950
              - DTT2500 Cambridge Soundworks


              • #8
                I clocked my retail P3 450 at 496/110 just to try it out. IT works fine. I may try to go up to 530-550 in small increments testing it everytime. I'm running:

                Asus P2B-F P3 450
                128MB Samsung GH
                SB Live Retail
                G400 32MB non OC

                I'm a little worried about the peripherals, I know the ram will hold up, especially since the Asus boards you can clock the ram seperatly from the FSB.

                - DJ
                My Packurd bell 166Megahurtz runnin at 233 on a ABIT ITH5 muther board,
                128MB EDO ECC RAM and a hole bunch of other cool stuff.


                • #9
                  DJ - That's why I chose 129 or 133 - the FSB that has the closest match with the PCI Bus clock at 1/4 divider. You'll have very little chance getting AGP2X @ 86.8 or 88.6Mhz - but you really don't need it when your RAM is clicking along @ 129Mhz.

                  I get around 140Images/Second in the 16MB AGP Benchmark in FinalReality....


                  Running an ABIT BX6 R2, PIII-450 @ 581Mhz, 128MB (64x2) PC100SDRAM (running @ 129), Matrox Mystique G200 8MB, SBLive! Value, Adaptec AHA-2940UW (Dual Channel)
                  All kinds of other SCSI and ATAPI goodies....
                  Waiting for my G400Max Impatiently, increasing system performance to give it a good home.....
                  Gaming Rig.

                  - Gigabyte GA-7N400-Pro
                  - AMD Athlon 3200+ XP
                  - 1.5GB Dual Channel DDR 433Mhz SDRAM
                  - 6.1 Digital Audio
                  - Gigabit Lan (Linksys 1032)
                  - 4 x 120GB SATA Drives, RAID 0+1 (Striped/Mirrored)
                  - Sony DRU-500A DVD/+/-/R/RW
                  - Creative 8x DVD-ROM
                  - LS120 IDE Floppy
                  - Zip 100 IDE
                  - PNY Ultra 5900 (256MB)
                  - NEC FE950
                  - DTT2500 Cambridge Soundworks


                  • #10
                    I have an Abit Bh6 mobo.


                    • #11

                      I downloaded the manual for your motherboard, and it appears that you have the same (or close enough) SoftMenu II that mine does. If you are using the default 66 or 100Mhz FSB settings (not manual settings), then generally your PCI Bus is 1/3 of the clock until you use an FSB at or over 117Mhz. At that point it has 2 divisors - 1/3 and 1/4. At that one or the next it stops having the 1/3 divisor. So at 66 it is 1/2, at 100 it is 1/3 at 117 it switches to 1/4. In between it usually stays at the lower until the switchover or 1 under. So just take your FSB and calculate the PCI bus speed. The AGP is usually either 1/1 or 2/3. I haven't seen (there may be one out there) a 1/2 which would be usefull on a 129 or 133FSB setting.

                      Running an ABIT BX6 R2, PIII-450 @ 581Mhz, 128MB (64x2) PC100SDRAM (running @ 129), Matrox Mystique G200 8MB, SBLive! Value, Adaptec AHA-2940UW (Dual Channel)
                      All kinds of other SCSI and ATAPI goodies....
                      Waiting for my G400Max Impatiently, increasing system performance to give it a good home.....
                      Gaming Rig.

                      - Gigabyte GA-7N400-Pro
                      - AMD Athlon 3200+ XP
                      - 1.5GB Dual Channel DDR 433Mhz SDRAM
                      - 6.1 Digital Audio
                      - Gigabit Lan (Linksys 1032)
                      - 4 x 120GB SATA Drives, RAID 0+1 (Striped/Mirrored)
                      - Sony DRU-500A DVD/+/-/R/RW
                      - Creative 8x DVD-ROM
                      - LS120 IDE Floppy
                      - Zip 100 IDE
                      - PNY Ultra 5900 (256MB)
                      - NEC FE950
                      - DTT2500 Cambridge Soundworks


                      • #12
                        I just flashed my mobo bios to the newest version and I see what you mean. I wish they would let us adjust the divider by oursleves or allow a 1/4 divider at 112 FSB. It wouldn't matter to me that the PCI bus is underclocked because I only have a SBLive card in the PCI slot because I took out my network card. Would it effect the network card if the PCI bus is underclocked?
                        I wonder when will Matrox get up to my order number.

