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New Drivers for G400 and RRG-series

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  • #16
    You guys forgot about the Marvel G200 users!!! Marvel users have been waiting for an ICD as long as everyone else with a Millenium, but Millenium users have their ICD now.

    I'm still stuck w/o an OpenGL ICD... well, Matrox would probably say support is now available, but you loose the Marvel funtions when you install PD 5.

    I don't get it, I bought my card over a year ago, and I still have these stupid problems!

    And Remember that a Marvel still costs over $250, thats alot of cash, and I expect to have some type of priority to matrox when it comes to driver development.


    • #17
      Risking that this may be an nearly unfatomable revelation to Kruzin and GinoCyber and all others giving DART what for... I'll nonetheless suggest that you all look outside your window (its the glass without a power switch underneath), and come to grips with the fact that there is a large population of computer users who are not so socially stunted that your proxy world of cute names, misspelled text, and smiley faces yet defines thier standard of moral or intellectual righteousness; for whom this forum, useful as it can be, is only a transient phosphor resource, properly intended for use, not worship; and who happily don't share the love/hate obsession you evidently reserve for corporate entities that care more about your credit card than either your virulence or your adoration, but which produces in you such narrowed horizons so as to equip you especially well to augur with studied cynicism the misdeeds of said entities, and so unbecomingly gloat. You are oh so superior, how do you manage to not absolutely float above your seats?
      And just for the record, I built a box from SouthWest Technical Products, loaded BASIC from cassette into a TRS-80, first coded C on my Osbourne, and now get paid lots of money to do what you pay to play at, but my self worth is not measured by who annoys me, or how poorly i sufer idiots.


      • #18
        Come on now guys, it's getting a little warm in here! I've got a suggestion to make to Ant, for the MURC:

        Could you implement & maintain a summary of compatibility issues for Matrox cards - both software (e.g. OpenGL or HalfLife) and hardware (e.g. G400/RRG)?

        It might take some effort to get going, but with driver releases being so infrequent, it shouldn't require much in the way of regular maintenance!

        I think it would also help those without the time/ability to search for relevant details from these threads. Having said that, this should be a Matrox Support issue. Unfortunately companies tend to see having one page summarising all their current problems as compromising their marketing & corporate image. Pity.


        • #19
          Thanks for the Info and the support guys. Bill and Arshloch your knowledge on Matrox has given me some insight into what kind of company they really are. thanks

          I'am sort of new to the Matrox world and I KNOW their will be more people out there who will come on the MURC forums and write about their problems here. . .whether it's about late drivers or whatever and be blasted by people like Kruzin or GinoCyber. They think everyone has the time to go through every post and research everything. Yeah sure, whatever. You don't have to be a jerk about it.

          The last suggestion by "TheMorg" is a great one but ufortunately, like he said, the corporate image thing gets in the way.

          Until companies get out of the mentality of selling the cart before the horse I think we'll just have to suffer for it.

          One more thing, can someone e-mail me when the new drivers come out for the Runner. Just asking. . .


          • #20

            How do we manage not to float above our seats? We cut back on the refried beans, of course.

            Seriously, though - if you are going to spend $200+ on ANYthing, I would expect that you would really do your homework. Spending that kind of money on any component almost always means more than a passive interest in the subject. Again, I'm not blaming DART for NOT inquiring; rather, I am saying there was more that he could have done.


            I *knew* there must have been more to it than just the registry thingy.


            People call me a computer god; I remind them that I am merely a minor deity...
            People call me a computer god; I remind them that I am merely a minor deity...


            • #21
              No grd that ain't it. If you are going to bash something, at least have a clue as to what you are saying.



              • #22
                I'm actually already working on a quick look chart, initially I was just planning on it being hardware differences between all the different G400s but I'm sure I can expand it further.

                And Dart is quite right, if he had specifically asked Matrox about the RR-G and G400s he should have been told that while they are compatible the RR-G won't actually work until the new Vid Tools are released. These are scheduled for a July release, I've asked for a beta to test as I presumed they must have one in final testing by now but they said no.

                [This message has been edited by Ant (edited 07-14-99).]


                • #23
                  AT THIS SITE
                  they say (paraphrased(why is paraphrase such a long word for some thing short))
                  there WILL be these upgrades available including the RRG but no release date (but then again no actual release date on the card)
                  at this site they say
                  "Matrox Rainbow Runner G-Series*
                  Originally introduced as an upgrade for Matrox G200-based graphics boards, the Rainbow Runner G-Series is also compatible with Matrox Millennium G400 Series graphics boards sold with DualHead Display capability**."
                  then they say
                  "**Not compatible with Matrox Millennium G400 SH boards." yet I dont see where it implies that a beta or something works with it. I VOTE GIVE THE GUY A BREAK (if he stops crying.... as my greatgrandpa use to say "no use crying over unreleased software...wait till it come in"

                  p3 450 underclocked to p2 266 Mill2 pci card running @ VGA 16 colors

