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Installing a G400 while smoking crack...

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  • Installing a G400 while smoking crack...

    At least that is what I must have done. Yesterday I decided I had to play HL no matter what (yes, I'm an addict) so I laoded it up and cringed at the glitches and crashes. So I procedded to do a complete uninstall of the matrox drivers as they say on their web page and then re-installed 5.13

    Kingpin still craches, and Q3 also crashes sometimes now, but HL, OMG! I was playing at 1184x846x32 (yes, it DOES support it) and while I didnt have a FPS counter, most maps where very smooth. Just bounce dropped framerates a bit but thats got very large open areas and it was still playable. Now if only the drivers would support 1280x960

    Anyways, my apologies for bitching about HL performance, aparently that was my mistake somehow. BUT Kingpin still crashes
    A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.

  • #2

    You might try using the Matrox uninstaller. It cleans things up so thoroughly that you'd better have your Windows 9X CD handy so that you can install the VGA drivers!


    People call me a computer god; I remind them that I am merely a minor deity...
    People call me a computer god; I remind them that I am merely a minor deity...


    • #3
      Hi Genom !

      Apologies taken

      but you said:
      I was playing at 1184x846x32 (yes, it DOES support it)

      I guess you meant 1152x864x32


      I used to have some posts in my record and hopefully some of the guys 'n' girls will still know me and my system ...

      [This message has been edited by Maggi (edited 07-13-99).]
      Despite my nickname causing confusion, I am not female ...

      ASRock Fatal1ty X79 Professional
      Intel Core i7-3930K@4.3GHz
      be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 2
      4x 8GB G.Skill TridentX PC3-19200U@CR1
      2x MSI N670GTX PE OC (SLI)
      OCZ Vertex 4 256GB
      4x2TB Seagate Barracuda Green 5900.3 (2x4TB RAID0)
      Super Flower Golden Green Modular 800W
      Nanoxia Deep Silence 1
      LG BH10LS38
      LG DM2752D 27" 3D


      • #4

        Oh crap. I just realized that once my G400Max arrives, I'll have to go get a new damn monitor. I couldn't possibly leave all that untapped potential in the G400. My crappy 17" monitor only goes up to 1024x768. I think I need a new (less expensive) hobby.

        Andrew Gallagher -
        Asus P2B-S, PII-350, 64MB PC100, MillG200 8MB, SBLive! Retail, Win98SE

        Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


        • #5
          Save your money, and buy a big screen TV. I got a 27" Toshiba H50(650 lines) TV Out is great...although you have to play with the settings. I just wish i had a bigger TV... like a 31" Panasonic SuperFlat.


          • #6
            billko: I'll give it a shot. What I did was print out the instructions from matrox's site and follow them. Although I did notice when I re-installed that it detected some old powerdesk settings that for the life of me I couldnt find.


            Yes. I meant 1152x864x32. Dammit I SAID I must have been smoking crack. That gives me a blank sheet for excuses including but not limited too, stupidity, excitement, drugs, booze, women, and other types of stimulants

            Tongiht I'll try removing everyhitng again and seeing if that fixes it.

            BTW, does anybody have any g200clk settings to suggest? I have gotten the pll clock to 280Mhz (it says, dont look at me funny dammit) but the other settings I tried the default sugested in the manual and my image just goes nuts. Can someone with a reg g400 and using g200clk suggest anything here?


            [This message has been edited by Genom (edited 07-13-99).]
            A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.


            • #7

              Get HZTool, it will allow you to use higher monitor resolutions than what your monitor definition file suggests, you might not be able to do 100Hz refresh or something but if my 14" monitor can do 1152,864, your 17" can do as much.


              • #8

                I have gotten my G400 DH to 285Mhz and it is reasonably stable. 286 Mhz crashes a lot. I have played with the memory timings and found that 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 works well if it takes, but often (most times) crashes at load. If it takes, the system stays stable for a long time. I think there is a timing issue with changing anything more than the PLL Clock. Twice I have had it stable at 286 Mhz with the memory timings suggested above and got over 1 fps better in Expendable average from my usual 285 Mhz with no other tweaks.

                Increasing the refresh rate seems to aid stability at overclocked speeds by using a smaller number (actually a divisor) helps stability a bit, but I have experienced crashes just increasing refresh rate, which is why I think there is a timing problem with G200CLK and the G400 chip.

                I even played with the clock dividers and set Mclk and GCLK to 1 and set a 153Mhz PLL speed, which appears to be the upper limit to my fan-cooled G400 chip, as the RAM has been tested stable to 190Mhz. Performance is better at 142.5/190Mhz.

                Last night I ran the G400 at 110Mhz FSB speed (73Mhz AGP speed) o/ced to 285Mhz and it worked, but my CPU, a Celeron 366, was real marginal at 605Mhz. It would never complete a full 15 tests in 3D Mark 99 Max, but if I aborted it prior to the end, I could get the regular and synthetic scores. I got 4881 3D Marks and 5740 Synthetic CPU 3Dmarks. At 578Mhz (5.5*105Mhz) those scores are 4703 and 5436 respectively.

                One tip with 3DMark 99 Max. In the two games, the maximum refresh rate set for the test resolution may affect scores. If too low, it will limit maximum fps that can be achieved. If too high, the time that it takes to generate the raster eats into processing time. So my optimum scores come at 72Hz. I saw a peak fps of 67Hz in the first person game at 800x600x16.



                • #9
                  OK guys. I did a fresh install of the 5.13 drivers afetr using the matrox util to remove everything. Nothing else running in the background. Used g200clk to set the pll to 280. Here are my 3dmark results. Note I left everything set to defaults. Didnt tuern on 32bit zbuffer on the card, nothing. As you'll notice I must have a prob with my AGP aperture or something cause over 16MB it slows down WAY too much, but is at 300+ fps with 2MB. Tell me what ya'll think. This is a NON max board.

                  3DMark Project:
                  3DMark Build Version: 200
                  Date: 7/14/99
                  Time: 12:00:00 AM
                  Project Name:Fresh install
                  Comments: G200clk set to 280Mhz
                  384MB 8ns SDRAM

                  Project Settings (Template):
                  Rendering Platform: Internal (Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head - English)
                  Resolution: 800*600
                  Color Depth: 16-bit Color
                  CPU Optimization: Intel(r) Pentium(r) III
                  Z-Buffer: 16-bit
                  Frame Buffer: Triple buffering
                  Refresh Rate: VSync Off
                  Looping: Disabled
                  Texture Format: 16-bit, 4444 RGBA
                  Run Tests: Once
                  Title Screen: Shown

                  Test Results:
                  3DMark Result : 5,525 3DMarks
                  Synthetic CPU 3D Speed : 8,597 CPU 3DMarks
                  Rasterizer Score : 2,218 3DRasterMarks
                  Game 1 - Race: 60.1 FPS
                  Game 2 - First Person: 51.1 FPS
                  Fill Rate : 232.9 MTexels/s
                  Fill Rate With Multi-Texturing : 235.5 MTexels/s
                  2MB Texture Rendering Speed: 363.1 FPS
                  4MB Texture Rendering Speed: 287.8 FPS
                  8MB Texture Rendering Speed: 119.2 FPS
                  16MB Texture Rendering Speed: 26.4 FPS
                  32MB Texture Rendering Speed: 10.1 FPS
                  Bump Mapping Emboss, 3-pass: 114.0 FPS
                  Bump Mapping Emboss, 2-pass: 148.5 FPS
                  Bump Mapping Emboss, 1-pass: 262.7 FPS
                  Point Sample Texture Filtering Speed: 111.5 %
                  Bilinear Texture Filtering Speed: 100.0 %
                  Trilinear Texture Filtering Speed: 68.9 %
                  Anisotropic Texture Filtering Speed: Not Supported
                  6 Pixel/individual: 2,377.4 KPolygons/s
                  6 Pixel/strips: 3,372.0 KPolygons/s
                  25 Pixel/individual: 2,156.5 KPolygons/s
                  25 Pixel/strips: 2,275.8 KPolygons/s
                  50 Pixel/individual: 1,372.6 KPolygons/s
                  50 Pixel/strips: 1,466.9 KPolygons/s
                  250 Pixel/individual: 519.2 KPolygons/s
                  250 Pixel/strips: 559.4 KPolygons/s
                  1000 Pixel/individual: 171.9 KPolygons/s
                  1000 Pixel/strips: 187.8 KPolygons/s

                  Windows Version: Windows 4 A , Build 2222
                  DirectX Version:
                  Bios Version: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
                  Bios Date: 02/09/99
                  Total Physical Memory: 384 MB
                  Free Physical Memory: 284 MB

                  Processor Type: Intel Pentium III
                  Processor Speed: 560 MHz
                  Processor Caps: MMX SSE
                  L1 Cache Size: 32 KB
                  L2 Cache Size: 512 KB

                  2D Display Adapter Name: Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head - English
                  2D Display Adapter Driver Date: 6-30-1999
                  Monitor Name: ViewSonic PS790
                  Monitor Driver Date: 4-23-1999
                  Desktop Resolution: 1280*1024
                  Desktop Color Depth: 16-Bit Color

                  3D Accelerator:
                  Name: Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head - English
                  Driver Name: G400DD32.DLL
                  Driver Version:
                  Total Video Memory On Card: 32,698 KB
                  Total Texture Memory: 88,506 KB
                  Bus: AGP

                  Supported Features:
                  16-bit Rendering
                  32-bit Rendering
                  Point Sampling
                  Point Sampling With Mip-Mapping
                  Bilinear Filtering
                  Bilinear Filtering With Mip-Mapping
                  Trilinear Filtering
                  Specular Gouraud Shading
                  Vertex Fox
                  Table Fog
                  Sub-Pixel Accuracy
                  Alpha Blending
                  Addivitive Alpha Blending
                  Multiplicative Alpha Blending
                  Vertex Alpha Blending
                  Vertex And Texture Alpha Blending

                  Supported 3D Display Modes:
                  320*200, 16bit color
                  320*240, 16bit color
                  320*400, 16bit color
                  400*300, 16bit color
                  512*384, 16bit color
                  640*400, 16bit color
                  640*480, 16bit color
                  800*600, 16bit color
                  1024*768, 16bit color
                  1152*864, 16bit color
                  1280*1024, 16bit color
                  1600*1200, 16bit color
                  320*200, 32bit color
                  320*240, 32bit color
                  320*400, 32bit color
                  400*300, 32bit color
                  512*384, 32bit color
                  640*400, 32bit color
                  640*480, 32bit color
                  800*600, 32bit color
                  1024*768, 32bit color
                  1152*864, 32bit color
                  1280*1024, 32bit color
                  1600*1200, 32bit color

                  Supported Texture Formats:
                  16-bit, 565 RGB
                  16-bit, 4444 RGBA
                  16-bit, 5551 RGBA
                  15-bit, 555 RGB
                  32-bit, 8888 RGBA
                  24-bit, 888 RGB

                  A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, try setting AGP AP. to 128mb

                    Is this some kind of bust?
                    Yes, it's very impressive.


                    • #11
                      As a conclusion to this thread, I just noticed my AGP was set to 1X. I forced 2X and now my 32MB texture rendering is over 100fps so that was basically my problem.

                      So, anybody wanna buy this board so I can get me a max later? Guranteed to OC to 280Mhz PLL acording to g200clk.

                      But really, I am surprised at the scores I get. Soon as the new opengl driver is out that evberybody is talking about I doubt I would actually buy a MAX.

                      OK, I'm lying, but at least I'll wait to actually sell this board before buying it

                      OK, I'm lying again. Forget it.

                      A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.

