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BeOS breaks into gaming..Ant question

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  • BeOS breaks into gaming..Ant question

    A Quake II port was released today for BeOS. The tests were done on a Voodoo3 but were still impressive for an early release of Beta Gl drivers. They got around 30fps in 800x600.

    Ant-Matrox has some BeOS support and you have Be. Would you download the port and test it just to see how it runs on a Matrox card?

  • #2
    I'll take a look and see if there is any support for GL in the G200 drivers yet. Be said they would have support in their drivers by late summer.


    • #3
      Nope, the Gx00s don't currently have full OpenGL support in BeOS 4.5. According to this FAQ,

      <a href=""></a>

      only the 3Dfx cards currently have the necessary driver support.

      Let's hope Be releases updated drivers before 5.0 arrives...

      [This message has been edited by pnkflyd51 (edited 07-21-99).]


      • #4
        Well, perhaps it does work, kinda. See this:

        <a href=""> 1&thread=4</a>

        I never have bought Quake 2... I can't give it a try...

        [This message has been edited by pnkflyd51 (edited 07-21-99).]

