On the following URL you'll find besides 35 (!!) steps to install the latest NVidia Riva TNT drivers, something of truth about how it all works in the hardware and software business nowadays.
"Direct3D and OpenGL are
at a pretty early stage of evolution on the PC compared to other drivers (for example, printer drivers are now very reliable and stable). So, there are a lot of features in the API's that aren't very well defined or well tested, and the API's and extensions are evolving very quickly."
and more...
check it out at <A HREF="http://unreal.epicgames.com/News.htm" TARGET="_blank">Downloading drivers and patches is an unfortunate necessity in this industry.</A>
and think again before you start swearing about some drivers, games or hardware not working
Back with a 10.8 Gb Harddrive !!
P.S: If for some stupid reason the above link doesn't work, copy the link (http://unreal.epicgames.com/News.htm) and paste it in the location-bar yourself. Then hit enter... Sometimes I hate PC's and Internet

[This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 07-21-99).]
"Direct3D and OpenGL are
at a pretty early stage of evolution on the PC compared to other drivers (for example, printer drivers are now very reliable and stable). So, there are a lot of features in the API's that aren't very well defined or well tested, and the API's and extensions are evolving very quickly."
and more...

check it out at <A HREF="http://unreal.epicgames.com/News.htm" TARGET="_blank">Downloading drivers and patches is an unfortunate necessity in this industry.</A>
and think again before you start swearing about some drivers, games or hardware not working

Back with a 10.8 Gb Harddrive !!

P.S: If for some stupid reason the above link doesn't work, copy the link (http://unreal.epicgames.com/News.htm) and paste it in the location-bar yourself. Then hit enter... Sometimes I hate PC's and Internet

[This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 07-21-99).]