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Matrox G-series secret codenames

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  • Matrox G-series secret codenames

    Or maybe not so secret; apologies if this is well-known..

    A quick glance at the Win 2K compatibility list (updated 7/7/99) revealed this:

    Matrox Graphics & TV Kit (Hurricane)
    Matrox Impression Lite (Atlas)
    Matrox Impression Plus (Athena)
    Matrox Millennium (Storm)
    Matrox Millennium II (Storm 2)
    Matrox Mystique (Hurricane)
    Matrox Mystique 220 (Hurricane)
    Matrox Productiva G100 (Productiva)
    Matrox Millennium G200 (G200)
    Matrox Millennium G400 (with beta drivers) -- added by Julius
    Compaq Qvision 2000 (Matrox Athena)
    Compaq QVision 2000 (Matrox Atlas)
    Compaq Qvision 2000 Plus (Matrox Athena)
    Compaq Qvision Storm (Matrox Storm)

    (all are compatible with Win2K.)

    Wondering what the G400 codename is? Tsunami? Cyclone? Whirlwind? Volcano?

    Tsunami sounds cool, could that be the G800? Are these things even codenames or ...?

    [This message has been edited by OrangeJulius (edited 07-23-99).]

  • #2
    I'm not sure if they're code names... I thought Atlas and Athena were the chip or chipset names on the Impressions.


    • #3
      Eh...they give everything code names.
      So 2 quick quizes:
      1. What is the codename of the G400?
      2. How do they come up with these codenames?

      First person (aside from M employees and the beta boiz) who can answer both questions gets the grand prize of a pat on the back, and a "good job"
      (yea, I know the answers )

      Hint: It's not nearly as agressive as OJ's guesses....

      [This message has been edited by Kruzin (edited 07-23-99).]
      Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


      • #4
        Would I qualify for the prize?


        • #5
          1. What is the codename of the G400?
          How about just plain old "G400"?

          2. How do they come up with these codenames?
          - umm, look 'em up alphabetically in a Greek Mythology book? (Athena/Atlas)

          - plus watch the Weather Channel a lot

          Maybe the G800 will be called:

          - Dewpoint
          - HPZ -High Pressure Zone (OGL team)
          - LPZ -Low Pressure Zone (D3D team)
          - Humidity (kryotech-cooled chip that gets REALLY hot)
          - or maybe just G800, how unimaginative

          No groans please; I've been up 36 hours, -- darn telecommuting

          Off to watch Arlington Road.. brought to you by the letters V, C, & D


          • #6
            The name of the G400 is Toucan,
            don't know how they come up with these names.

            marcel molleman

            G400-16MB, Abit BX6 rev2, 96 MB, 6.4 GB Hdd (3x), Pent. II 350 Mhz (3.5 * 112)

            Abit BX6 Rev 2.0, 96 MB, Matrox G400 32 MB DH, Intel PIII ~ 527Mhz, SBLive! - LiveWare 3.0,
            3 x 6.4 Gb Hdd's, Adaptec 2940UA SCSIcard


            • #7
              gbm - I expect YOU would know the name, you bios hacker, you

              OJ - uh...nope

              MarcelM - Got the codename right My Toucan is named Sam Pass the Fruit Loops...

              To get these code names, they let the employees pick out names that sound cool, then they pick wich one they like the best (real high-tech, huh)
              Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


              • #8
                Are you sure it's not because it's their first two (tu-can) piped texcel engine?


                (erstwhile cjolley) celery 333@500mz 2.2V, 64meg@cas2, 10gig IBM 7200rpm UltraStar, Princton EO75, $15 sound card(!),V3 2000 PCI (still waiting on my MAX!)


                • #9

                  G200 was called Eclipse unt G100 was called Twister.

                  Looks like they went from Greek gods, to natural disasters to birds.

                  Next card is..........


                  • #10
                    Ok, the next question for our quiz:

                    What is "Calao" ?

                    (Rules as before.)


                    • #11
                      Calao is the G250...

                      Intel 350MHz (not o/c)
                      64mb SDRAM-100MHz
                      Qdi Brilliant I
                      Quantum FireBall EL 5.1gig
                      SoundBlaster 128PCI
                      Matrox Millenium G200 8mb (not o/c)
                      Matrox RR-G Series
                      USR 56K voice internal
                      Matrox FastNIC 10/100Mb
                      Pioneer CD-ROM IDE 36x


                      • #12

                        Calao = G200 w/o heatsink.

                        Next Quiz - What is the Picard?



                        • #13
                          Well, not exactly, but almost.


                          • #14
                            um, calao = matrox tvo??
                            p2 266@300 (4x75mhz) | qdi legend-v, lx chipset, bios 2.0sl | 96 mb pc100 | mill g200agp@99mhz 8mb sg, bios 2.6, pd 5.52 | win 98se


                            • #15
                              Does all this mean that my MAX will come with a Magic Decoder Ring?

                              (erstwhile cjolley) celery 333@500mz 2.2V, 64meg@cas2, 10gig IBM 7200rpm UltraStar, Princton EO75, $15 sound card(!),V3 2000 PCI (still waiting on my MAX!)

