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How will G400 Max compete with NV10 or Voodoo4?

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  • #16
    Hey Himself, I really like your sig...!
    Look at this...?

    "Alouette poil à la casquette."

    [This message has been edited by Yop (edited 07-25-99).]


    • #17

      I hope that the NV10 and the Voodoo4 don't release soon because I haven't even received my G400 Max yet.

      When I do receive it in the next couple of weeks then there will be an annoucement from NVidia and 3DFX on their next generation of cards and then we G400 users will be worried if our G400 will run as fast or lets say as good as NV10 or Voodoo4. A very reliable source told me that he was not kidding that the NV10 will release this year. He didn't tell me the date but smiled and said that it will be sooner than expected.

      Lets say for now G400 Max rules! But later time will only tell what will happen.

      Manoj Mahtani


      • #18
        The G400 Max can barely beat the TNT2 Ultra, so why would any of you think that the G400 Max would even be in the same class as the next-gen video boards.



        • #19
          7 days to 2nd Aug. VVVV


          • #20
            If the NV10 comes out and enables us to run in 2048x2048x32 but there's no extra effects and the geomtry still sucks I won't care. If they do what they say and the geomtry kicks ass then I'll be interested.

            - DJ
            My Packurd bell 166Megahurtz runnin at 233 on a ABIT ITH5 muther board,
            128MB EDO ECC RAM and a hole bunch of other cool stuff.


            • #21
              Here's an interesting link I found about the NV 10.


              • #22
                As a recent defector to the 3dfx camp (do I mean defective?) I've been taking a bit more notice about just what goes on with the dark side of the force.

                Last I heard, Napalm was their next offering's codename, the chip will NOT be based on existing 3dfx architecture, but will be something totally new, with the intention of addressing the oh-so well known image quality issues. I forget the URL for the place I read it, but the gist of it goes, 32bit colour everything, 2048x2048 textures, AGP4x texturing, >=4 TMUs (I could be wrong on that one), an onboard 3rd party geometry processor via an upgrade slot. I didn't see bumpmapping mentioned, however, I did see that they were going to release official speculatifications on August 2nd, so look for an official release around that time. Given that, I'd be guessing that we'll see some alpha hardware leaks in our around December.

                Dave K

                Celeron 464MHz, 128MB Corsair CAS2, BH6(LH), Voodoo3 3000 @ 178, SBLive!, 13GB Fireball CR, ViewSonic PT775, and an alpha Napalm board which I recieved on my last visit to Jupiter.

                Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


                • #23
                  Just a comment on the Quake 2 story: When NV10 has T&L Quake II WILL run over 100 fps.

                  OpenGL has support for T&L and id software is one of the few real smart companies who have used OpenGL T&L routines instead of their own. So yes, Quake II and Quake III will be very, very fast indeed.

                  And the Microsoft stuff isn't neccesarely slower. It's the quality of the drivers. But most game developers still thinks too much in MS-DOS terms, where you developed everything yourself.



                  • #24


                    would you buy a new car if a reliable source told you that your neighbour has just got one faster than yours ?



                    • #25
                      My neighbour is getting a better car than me, Well, shit! I am gonna have to go trade mine in....Gotta GO, I better hurry!


                      • #26
                        Well if it is a good car then ofcourse I will get it.

                        I always buy the best from the market. This is why I am waiting for a very long time for my G400 Max. I received an e-mail today and seems that Matrox will ship some G400 Max to Hong Kong within the next 2 weeks. Can't wait.

                        Manoj Mahtani


                        • #27
                          Why did I buy a G400?

                          I bought it because:

                          1. My eyes get tired easily when using other video cards, since their video quality BLOWS compared to the Millenium2/G200/G400.

                          2. I wanted the highest quality 3D rendering available.

                          3. I realize, unlike 90% of the out there, that 30fps is faster than my eyes can see. Since the G400 does more than that easily, I'm all set.

                          It doesn't matter when the NV10 and Napalm come out, they will still have poor 2D image quality and therefore they will not go into my machine... I will wait for a G800. (Or whatever!)

                          It's very simple - 3dfx and nVidia can't make a 2D display card to save their lives. The only companies who can are S3 and ATI, and they have their own unique problems (S3 is slower than cold molasses and ATI is incompatible with everything).

                          - Gurm
                          The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                          I'm the least you could do
                          If only life were as easy as you
                          I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                          If only life were as easy as you
                          I would still get screwed


                          • #28
                            franksch4: Just a few things:

                            >Just a comment on the Quake 2 story: When
                            >NV10 has T&L Quake II WILL run over 100 fps.

                            Can you point me to this URL? Point is, without a patch to Quake, a hardware-accelerated transform and lighting path will do virtually nothing for its performance. The Quake based games use OpenGL as a renderer, and that's pretty much it.

                            Next versions of OpenGL games, however may be written to take advantage of hw accelerated t&l, and they may see a speed improvement with a hw accelerated t&l path.

                            >OpenGL has support for T&L and id software
                            >is one of the few real smart companies who
                            >have used OpenGL T&L routines instead of
                            >their own. So yes, Quake II and Quake III
                            >will be very, very fast indeed.

                            Use of OpenGL alone does not mean all games that use OpenGL will benefit from a hw t&l path. Only games that make heavy use of OpenGL's transformation and lighting system will see an improvement, and to this day I see no such games on the market.

                            >And the Microsoft stuff isn't neccesarely
                            >slower. It's the quality of the drivers.

                            Unfortunately Direct3D developers will probably have to learn a whole new programming API in order to take advantage of hw accelerated t&l. Microsoft foolishly made Direct3D un-expandable, so it will have to pretty much start over for new hardware. This will most likely take the form of DirecX7 or DirectX8.

                            >But most game developers still thinks too
                            >much in MS-DOS terms, where you developed
                            >everything yourself.

                            The NIH (Not Invented Here) syndrome is common amoung programmers, especially among game programmers, who don't like having to rely on someone else's (buggy) code (i.e. drivers).


                            • #29
                              Here you go!!!

                              TNT3 (NV10) to be released soon!

                              Read the news over here:

                              Manoj Mahtani


                              • #30
                                What? Does everyone here think that Nvidia and 3dfx are the only companies that will release a new card around maybe the first of the year (big maybe). Don't you think that Matrox has another card in the works? If the quality/performance jump between the G200 and the G400 is can be used as a reference, just think what their next card might be able to do. I'm sure Nvidia doesn't have a corner on the "new idea/technology" market.
                                Anyway, why argue about card that only exist on paper? I'll see it when I believe it....
                                Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.

